08 - babysitters;

291 22 17

Yujin POV

"You're going out with him?" Yoongi coldly enquired.

"Hey, I told you he isn't a bad person. We drifted, okay? All the rants I did when you were a cat.. I guess they were just my exaggerations." I explained.

"I'm coming with you-"

"No, Yoongi. Stay here. Now come on, I don't wanna be late.." I cut him off.

Yoongi just pouted and sighed. He followed me to get ready for the day.


Yoongi POV

"Yoongi!" Hoseok ran to me and gave me a headlock.


He scratches my head and I purred.

"Woah Yoongi, you really remind me of a lil' cat." Hoseok smiled.

"But I am a cat.." I tilted my head.

Hoseok just stared at me with a smile and blinked. "Okay then."

The latter started to drag me to the classroom.


As I went in, alot of girls' eyes landed on me. Is this normal?

I sat on my chair and my table was full of rolled-up papers. They all had numerical digits on it.

"Who did this?" I muttered to myself. I saw all the girls giggle and they all did calling hand gestures.

I just ignored them and put the papers away.

"Well look who's 'Mr Popular!' Already getting numbers on the second day," Hoseok winked.

"What numbers?" I asked. Hoseok just laughed it off and did his own things.


Yujin POV

I piled up a few books on the desk as I saw a refelcted dark silhouette, getting smaller on the white wall in front of me.

I turned behind and stepped back abit.

"Hello." I muttered to the smilimg Seong Jeun.

"You didn't forget abour our little date later, right?" He winked.

I looked around before quietly asking, "It's a date?"

His cheeks turned a shade of pink before replying, "Uh.. you know what I mean."

I laughed at his shyness. "It's okay, I get it. I'll see you then," I smiled and he returned the smile back.

after school

I spotted my cat, who is now human, talking with Serenity on the bench.

"I'm just saying that cereal comes before milk." I heard Serenity say.

"But some people put milk first." Yoongi replied.

"Hey, you two." I smiled at them. Yoongi turned to me and jolted out of his seat.

"I was keeping him company while you went to return the books.. he's like a kid, really." Serenity commented.

I took a glance at yoongi, him pursing his lips into a thin line. I smiled.

"Yeah. He is a kid, isn't he?"


"You remember the rules, right?" I tied up my hair into a ponytail. "Anyway, I've contacted someone to keep you company."

Yoongi turned to me. "Keep me company? Can't I just go with you?" He became all pouty.

"No. I don't think I can still trust you.. with my house alone.." I muttered and went to the door. Before I could open it, Yoongi called me out.


I turned to see him staring deeply into me with worried eyes.

I gave him an assuring grin.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

I them zoomed out of the house.

Hyeji POV

"Really, Serenity? You can't come?" I asked through the phone.

Serenity: "I'm sorry, I don't think I can.. what about Soohyun?"

I laughed. "You know Soohyun."

Serenity: "Oh. Yeah. Haha.. I'm sorry I can't help you 'watch after' Yoongi. Why does he need to be watched over anyway? He's grown up."

"I don't know what's up with Yujin, but I just agreed to help. She said he broke her window.." I whispered the last bit.

Serenity: "oof.. good luck then!" *beep beep beep..*

I sighed. I think I should call someone else, cause' it would be weird with Yoongi and I alone.

I looked at my phone. I hope he's free..

I then dialed the number.

"Hey, Jungkook?"


I waited on the bench until I saw a familiar figure running towards me.

"Hyeji.. you called?" He panted.

"Slow down, it wasn't something desperately urgent." I patted his back.

"I know.. but it seemed urgent. Anyway, shall we?" He followed me to Yoongi's house.

We walked in and found it silent, with just a packet of oreos on the table.

"Psst. You think he's upstairs?" Jungkook whispered and I just shrugged.

Slowly but surely, we made our way upstairs to a room. We peeked in and saw a sleeping Yoongi.

"You see? He doesn't need a babysitter." I smiled as the both of us walked up to Yoongi's bed.

We then turned away from the bed. "You think he can manage alone?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh I'm sure.."

That's when we saw a rising silhouette emerging from behind.


it was all black.

The next thing I knew, was that I woke up, tied up in a chair with Jungkook.

I looked at Yoongi, eye-wide.

He was holding a pan.

A freaking pan.


*school is tiring but here's an update*

mr purrfect. - m.yg , btsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu