XXIX- race against time

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Phone call
Skye Miller
Corbyn Besson

Skye?! Is that you?! Are you awake?!

Sorry Besson, It's Peter

Oh... Hi Peter.

I'm sorry for for calling with her phone,  but I left all my things in the La Luna to come with her in the ambulance.

it's fine. How is she?

Not good. She hasn't woken up yet. But the doctors say her body and brain are fine, so they really don't know what is keeping her in a coma.

... it doesn't gave anything to do with Damnum Coloris, right?


*holds breath*

I hope not. But there is no other explanation.

Have you told the doctors about it?

I have. But the desease is so rare... They are doing some tests and MRIs but I don't think they know what to look for. She is one in a bilion, literally.

God! I still have two hours and twenty-seven minutes until I get there. I think I might go crazy.

I can imagine what you feel. I'm going crazy over here too. She always told me she was going to die, but I wasn't prepared for it to be so soon.

Don't say that! Why does everyone keep saying that. She is not going to-
*voice falters*
She is not. Ok? She can't.

But Corbyn, you do know that her condition is fragile, right? The more she stays in a coma, the more chances she has of having a cardiac stop, and if that does happen, they can't resuscitate her. She signed a legal contract.

What? Why would she do that?

She signed a long time ago and told me she felt like she acompplished everything she has ever wanted in life, so if her end did came, she wouldn't want doctors to stop it.

So she doesn't want to live? She thinks... We are not enough reason for her to keep on going?
*asks quietly*

That is not what I said. I know that it might feel like she doesn't care, but I know for a fact that she does. She loves us... She loves you. But put yourself in her position for a second. When she found out she was sick, no one was there to support her. All her life she felt like she needed to hide it from people because she was scared that they'd leave, just like her parents. So she went through the awful experience of losing sight of one of the things she loves most about the world slowly and alone. You weren't there when she called me crying multiple times. I know how much she has suffered, that is why I understand the decision she made at the time.

You said it was something she signed a long time ago, can she change it now?

Of course. But she needs to be awake for that.

Let's hope she wakes up soon then.

A/N: I know nothing about medicine, so please know anything about Damnum Coloris and Skye's coma I made it up.

The girl in the sky- Corbyn Besson (Social Media)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن