Michael and Luke were having a lightsaber duel while quoting Star Wars to each other.

Sienna worked through the possible distractions with ease until the bus hit another bump and sent one of the lads flying into her lap.

She lifted her laptop above her head before the tall lad could crush it.

She looked down to see Calum grinning back up at her.

"How you doin'?" He smirked.

Calum didn't bother getting up. He was quite comfortable laying on Sienna and watching her keep doing her work.

Sienna didn't break her focus again until Michael and Luke called her to intervene in their argument.

"Mike," Sienna said, her eyes still focused on her laptop, but her train of thought was gone. "don't kill Luke." She said calmly. "Luke, stop stealing Michael's underwear." She ordered. "Ashton, put on some clothes before Luke explodes." She said to the lad standing in nothing but his underwear.

Calum was still in Sienna's lap, but no longer silent. He was singing random songs to her and playing with her hair.

"Cal, I'm trying to focus." She laughed, unable to drown out his voice. Probably because she didn't want to.

The bus came to a stop and not even two minutes later there was a knock at the door. Ashton answered it.

A man Sienna didn't recognize stood at the door.

"Get dressed. We've got work to do." He said quickly before turning to leave.

"Who was that?" Sienna asked curiously.

"Workout instructor." Michael groaned. "I don't wanna' exercise!" He yelled on his way back to change clothes.

"Enna, you should come along." Ashton insisted. " You'll feel great afterward. I promise."

"Come on, babe." Calum agreed with Ashton. "Tons of people turn to exercise to cope with different things. You may like it."

Sienna gave in to the boys pleas and went along to their workout session with them.

She was a bit nervous at first. Something Ashton quickly noticed.

In result of her nervousness, Ashton stayed with Sienna throughout the entire session.

While he was lifting weights, Sienna was doing cardio next to him. Anytime he finished the set of reps he was on before Sienna finished hers, he stood in front of her cheering her on.

When Calum had the chance, his eyes always found their way to Sienna.

She was jumping rope. Ashton stood next to her counting out loud and cheering to hype her up. Sienna had a look of struggle on her face. That look you get when you're starting to feel the burn in a workout.

Calum could see the sweat beading on her face and chest. He could see the redness of her cheeks from across the room. A grin grew on his face watching her work so hard though he wasn't sure why.

When Calum started his next set of reps, Sienna was the one who found herself staring when she got a break.

She grabbed her water bottle and tried to subtly watch him.

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