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As the door opened and light shrouded into the room. My eyes could only see the siloette of the person who stood in front of me. Immediately I let out a muffled scream and waited for my eyes to adjust.

When they did finally adjust, my eyes widened as I finally saw the person I had longed for the most. The one who I was missing more than ever before..

And the one that I loved, was now finally here for me at last..


His eyes were quick to scan over my terrified expression as I struggled to catch the breath that was frantically trying to escape from my lungs. The sight of him running towards me filled me with too many incomprehensible emotions at once.

"(Y/N)." He whispered as he quickly untied all of my bounds before he ran his hands along my neck and gently raised my head up to meet his desperate gaze. His eyes scanned over mine for the slight recognition of brightness he was always accustomed to.

"Look out.." I whispered to him as I pushed his shoulders down, pushing him to the side as
Jae-Joon's machete slashed down through the air and landed down between my legs as he narrowly missed the blonde haired boy who had found his feet and stood up as he quickly pounced upon his attacker.

Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jae-Joon's throat as he attempted to gain a strong choke hold around the male to bring him down quickly. However, Jae-Joon flailed his arm and managed to land a heavy punch to Taehyung's face, causing the blonde boy to let go and be pushed back to the wall.

"You're the one that pretended to be one of my men," Jae-joon sneered as he recognised the slowly healing wounds that he had inflicted on Taehyung himself those days ago. Taehyung steadied himself against the wall, eyes wearily looking toward Jae-Joon as he stared in fury.

"And you were stupid enough to believe it." The retort from Taehyung caused Jae-Joon to raise the large blade and hold it to Taehyung's throat while his piercing eyes struck into the youngers fragile ones.

"Let's not forget why you were caught in the first place," spat the older as he flicked the blade as a warning to Taehyung.

Taehyung placed his hands against the blade to protect both himself and his skin as he stared back into Jae-joon's eyes with hatred, "you opened your mouth and shouted in protest. You exposed yourself because you loved a slut." Jae-Joon snapped.

I felt a twang in my heart as I heard the hurtful description that I was given. More than pain, it was anger. I felt it rise through my veins as it reached my face, causing a flush of red to cross it as I stood up to my feet and stumbled against the wall as I attempted to make my way towards the pair.

"You should've just shut up and let her die." Jae-Joon spat, applying pressure to the blade as it sunk into Taehyung's hands as he attempted to resist its strength. I quickly hobbled over and raised my leg up and delivered a harsh kick to Jae-Joon's groin from behind. His knees buckled from the pain as he fell down to the floor, letting his grip leave the blade and stay in the hands of Taehyung who had bleeding fingers at the time.

"Bastard." Was all Taehyung said as he stared the monster down, not feel one bit of sympathy for the man as he gasped for air from the pain. In a swift movement, Taehyung swung the blade down and planted it into Jae-Joon's back, twisting it around until Jae-Joon no longer had to gasp for air.

I turned away and fell to the ground from exhaustion, the rage and frustration that had risen from my body was now comfortably nestled in the back of my mind. I sat on my knees and stared at the floor in an attempt to keep myself awake.

"Princess," Taehyung began as he knelt down in front of me with a small ring of tears lining his eyes as he observed my exhausted state, "I'm so sorry you had to witness this. I promise I'll never make you watch something so horrific ever again."

I looked up to Taehyung, my hand gently cupping his cheek while a soft smile spread to the corner of my cheeks with my eyes lidded from the fatigue.

"I love you. I will live a thousand lives like this one over and over again if it meant getting back to you," I told him and gently pushed away a stray tear with my thumb while looking into his deep brown irisis. Drowning myself in his gaze, I became enthralled with the emotions that his eyes were emitting.

"I love you," Taehyung repeated to me while resting his hands against my cheeks and placing our foreheads together gently as he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, "I'll love you no matter how many lives I have to live."

I chuckled quietly as I pulled away from him and looked up into his eyes, "you'll only have to live the one life then." I whispered with as much sincerity as I could muster. Taehyung nodded slowly before gently lifting me up into his arms and carrying me out of the room where we met up with the rest of the members.

"(Y/N)!" They all chirped, looking at me with a sense of relief as they realised I was unharmed and better than they thought I was going to be. I grinned to them, clinging onto Taehyung's shirt as I felt him grow hot with jealousy.

"All of you go start the cars, we are leaving." Namjoon stated, eyes looking to Taehyung who bowed his head to the leader gently, as if saying thank you to Namjoon before he became too worked up. I rested my head against Taehyung's chest while I gently traced the fabric and stitching with my fingertip as I swayed back and forth with Taehyung's strong walking stride.

"Let's never leave each other again..." Taehyung whispered to me as we approached one of the SUV's and approached the open back door. As Taehyung placed me down, I gently ran a hand through his hair and made room for him to sit beside me in the back seat.

"I could live with that." I told him as I placed a sweet peck to his lips before resting my head upon his shoulder and slowly drifting off into a peaceful sleep as the vehicle proceeded to leave the grounds.


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