He turned a corner and my eyes couldn't help but widen slightly at the sight of the large hotel we stopped in front of. It towered over all the other buildings in the city, the warm golden lights from the interior outlining both sides of the tall structure. The hotel name was written proudly for any passerby to see, and I inhaled deeply.

"Damn," I mumbled, and Jayden chuckled, eyes filled with the smallest trace of amusement

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"Damn," I mumbled, and Jayden chuckled, eyes filled with the smallest trace of amusement.

Parking the car, Jayden quickly got out and I hesitated before following suit, my heart relaxing ever so slightly as I felt the fall breeze run through my hair.

Plopping another gummy into my mouth, I smiled innocently as I offered one to the beta. He looked at the bag hesitantly before shrugging and accepting my offer. I watched silently as he ate the snack, Selene sighing in the back of my mind.

"I find it strange that he trusts us," she spoke up, and I simply shrugged in response.

"So what's this meeting for again?" I inquired, glancing up at him as I casually clasped my hands behind my back, not letting off even a hint of my true intentions.

"Perhaps he wants to apologize for all the problems our wolves have caused you," he shrugged as we passed through a luxurious lobby, and stepped into the elevator.

I could practically feel the lie.

This was a questioning and I knew it. I shouldn't even have allowed myself to come all the way here. It was risky. I knew that too. But Jayden hadn't ruled me out as dangerous until after the car ride. And that was my opportunity. After all, I didn't want to fight him. It'd only make this situation a thousand times worse. I'd get into even more trouble than I was already in. I refused to go down that road, even if I knew I could.

That's why I weighed out my options, and the only thing that would even come close to allowing me to win against these people was by gaining his trust; and surprisingly enough, he had already given me enough of it.

If I meet with this King, then he's going to find out the truth. I knew how King's acted. I knew how relentless they were. This was not the time for me to be caught. Not with this feud going on between all of the moons creatures. I was a weapon, a valuable asset, whether I liked it or not, and it was up to me to avoid being used as such.

I couldn't meet this King.

Sighing, I glanced up at Jayden with a new determination in my eyes.

"I'm sorry about this, beta," I mumbled, and he furrowed his brows in confusion, but it was already too late. The spell I had casted on that small object already flowing through his veins.

I watched as he suddenly coughed, his eyes widening as his hand lightly gripped his throat in panic.

One gummy was all it took.

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