Ch. 2 - A Father's Promise

Start from the beginning

Without hesitating, the cab driver hit the gas, making streak noises in the street as he came up to the small line of traffic before him. Mallory closed her eyes and prayed silently that the man she got a glimpse of wasn't Michael – yet it was so convenient. It was hard to rule out the possibility that it was not him and instead some stranger who wanted her number instead. Not likely, she thought. The traffic moved along, and as they turned a block onto the next street, she could clearly see, for a split second, who it was – a handsome, ironically angelic man with wavy long blond hair to his shoulders. He was wearing a red linen scarf with a black velvet dinner jacket, slacks, and boots to his knees. It was enough to send chills down her spine. While still in the cab, she dialed Cordelia on her cellphone and the Supreme answered promptly.

"Mallory? Is everything alright? How is the baby?" she asked.

"I... I think Michael is following me," Mallory replied worriedly.

There was hesitation in the reply that followed: "w-what do you mean? Where are you?"

"I just flagged a taxi. I'm in it now. I had to get food for the baby."

"I will be right over," she said. "With Myrtle, and with Zoe. Don't let her out of your sight."

"I won't."

Then she hung up. Within five minutes she was in vicinity of her destination, she tapped on the cabbie's shoulder, and he looked back, halting his driving for a moment.

"Please," she ordered, "take me to the back of the hotel, in the back-parking lot."

"Why?" he asked. "The entrance is right here."

Mallory knew to use her concilium to get him to comply: "this is a matter of life or death for me, sir. I'd appreciate you take me to the back of the building."

Without further questions, the cab driver complied and did as asked. Mallory looked around for a back entrance, and with the baby and bag of offal she got from the butcher shop, she left the cab and ran to it. Finding it was locked, she used telekinesis to unlock it and was able to get in. To cover her tracks, she did the same maneuver to lock the door back up again, and she travelled through a series of hallways all leading to the front lobby through a special employee door. The concierge and front desk receptionist noticed this, and made mentioned.

"Hey, you're not an employee, you're not supposed to..."

Using concilium once again, Mallory waved her hand in the air directed at them to silence them and make them forget she was even there. She hopped into the nearest elevator and was the only one in it going up to the seventh floor. As she and the baby went up, she heard cooing and whining coming from her little body.

"Shh..." she said softly. "Quiet, now."

When she got off the elevator, she got the key card for her room out, and when she looked up, Cordelia, Myrtle and Zoe were already there, waiting for her. Mallory, with a sigh of relief, smiled at them.

"Thank god," she said. "I was beginning to worry."

"Don't mention it," Myrtle replied, putting her hand on her shoulder and taking the bag of animal organs from her possession. "If he wants to kill you, he needs to go through us first."

"Thank you so much," Mallory said. "For everything."


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