Chapter 6 : She Could Never Love A Monster Like You

Start from the beginning

"Maybe I should steer clear of you guys for a bit..."

"Nope. Sorry. Thats the easy way out. Look Luke knows he's the one that created the problem. Tell him that it was drunk me upset and tired and just a stupid kiss. Tell him I was hammered and sad and you got me to bed."

"A stupid kiss?" He had almost sounded offended.


"It was a stupid kiss? Em I thought..."

"I know. Dean look we had a moment. We told each other some heavy shit. Then you drove me two hours for a sandwich. This... is uncharted territory and low on the totem pole so unless you want to sit down and have a chick flick moment right now... we don't have time for it. I'm not sorry about that night but my mind is on Luke and Lucy. At least for the morning."

"We?" He echoed with a shit eating grin.

"Yeah dumbass... we. As in you and me."

"I like that." He said the smug little shit.

"I'm sure you do Dean. Can you focus now?" I tried to suppress a smile, but he could always force one to the surface.

"But thats what you want me to tell him?"

"Dean unless you want to get shot today make him think it was some booze induced pity party I was having and you were just... there."

"Just there. Nice." He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes tight.

"Hey you kissed me. You opened this can of worms buddy." I Laughed.

"Yeah but you're the one who did all the... ya know... stuff. How could I not?" He shot me a big grin as I rolled my eyes and returned to cooking.

"Hey Em? When Luke gets here what are you gonna do..." he trailed off. I knew what he was asking. I had no answers for him.

"I don't know. I really don't. I don't want to see him. But I'm not going to let him get taken down there. He's my brother. But between the fight and this deal? How do I look at him? And Lucy? She's been gone. I don't know what I'm gonna do."

"Em... If I can- If I can do anyth-" I cut him off suddenly without warning and before I really knew what I was doing I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in. He was surprised for a moment before pulling me in with his free hand and burying his face in my hair.

"Thank you." I said. He wanted to help. I knew he did. He couldn't, but knowing he wanted to was all I needed. "Just for being here. Dealing with all our family shit."

"Mmmm." He sighed. "Your hair smells like bacon." He laughed.

"Here." I said pulling away and handing him a plate full of bacon. "Go nuts. Clog some more arteries." I laughed returning to the food.

Bobby Finally woke up and we all began researching. Finding any other deals that were made, looking for omens in the area to track the demon, digging into lore seeing if it was even possible.

"Didn't you and Sam try to kill the thing that held your contract, you thought it would break the deal right?"

"Yeah but it wasn't just a demon. It was Lilith." Sam interjected.

"Okay but he's Dean Winchester." I said glancing at him with a grin on his face, "Not to inflate his already huge ego... but... he's the Michael sword. Of course a big time player was going to hold his contract. But Luke? I don't think he's big enough fish." I said.

"And when have we ever been so lucky. Look Darlin I know its not what you wanna hear but you and Luke have done enough in this world that you've earned yourselves some powerful enemies. If I was to guess that idjit's papers are gonna be held by someone who we need to be worried about." Bobby explained.

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