"It's surprising seeing you here fighting against Black." Mae said.

"He really only shows up for food." One of the soldiers said. Everyone laughed as Yajirobe became flustered by the soldiers accusation. In that moment everyone's spirits seemed to be lighten.

Mai, Trunks, Vegeta, Goku and Mae headed outside to prepare for their battle with Goku Black. "Thank you Goku, Vegeta, and Mae." Mai said.

"I wouldn't thank us yet. We still have to face Black." Goku said.

"Don't you mean I still have to face him?" Vegeta scoffed. "It's my turn to fight."

"Why do you get to go first?!" Mae said she had been yearning to fight since Black first showed up.

"Yea Vegeta! We should settle this with Rock Paper Scissors!" Goku said putting his fist in front of him.

"No I'm going to fight first and that's that!" Vegeta said turning around.

Mae and Goku sighed, there was no point in talking him out of it especially when his mind was made up. "Father I want to fight with you!" Trunks said.

"No you are just going to watch." Vegeta scowled at his son.

"Don't you think I should fight for my world?" Trunks was confused by his father's statement.

"If something goes wrong and we cannot defeat Black you need to take your girlfriend and create a new future for yourselves." Vegeta said. He hated to admit that there was a chance they would lose against Black.

"My girlfriend?!" Trunks stepped back, his face turning red.

"No we are just friends, more like comrades!" Mai was blushing as well.

Mae winked at them, "either way we should get going."

"Let's do it!" Goku said and he and the other saiyans flew off to find Black.

They landed in an abandoned park and then Vegeta fired an energy blast into the sky. "This outta get his attention."

Sure enough shortly after, a whirlwind descended from the sky and Goku Black emerged from it. "Well well Well I thought I destroyed your time machine yet here you are."

The saiyans glared back at Black, Vegeta consumed in a blue aura of power . "You're up against me this time, this is super saiyan blue and I'm going to beat your ass into the ground!"

Black smirked and started clapping at Vegeta, "a saiyan body wrapped in divine power. It's truly a beautiful sight even though it's wrong." Black was suddenly in front of Vegeta completely catching him off guard. "Even though you have trained to attain this strength you are still just a lowly mortal."

Vegeta jumped back from Black. "You are no match compared to super saiyan blue!" He launched an attack sending Black flying, crashing through buildings.

Mae, Goku, and Trunks watched as Vegeta raced after his target. "It's really weird watching someone who looks like you get beat up."Goku said.

"Black made it seem he was above mortals. Could he really be Zamasu?" Trunks said trying to figure out what Black meant.

"He did say something about a mortal being. He could be a god." Mae brought her hand to her chin.

"I don't know, this is all still really confusing." Goku scratched his head.

Suddenly Vegeta came crashing back to where they were standing. Black came walking up laughing. "You have come pretty far for a simple mortal. Now I will show you exactly how far I have come." Black yelled, his power rising dramatically. Lightning flashed around them as Black's aura turned a magenta/purple color. His hair stood up and became a light pink color. Goku, Vegeta and Mae could feel his divine energy and the power coming off of him was immense. "I know you like to name your power levels so I'm calling this one super saiyan rosé."

Everyone stared in awe as Black lifted himself into the air, "that's right not only have a I reached super saiyan rosé I have also claimed Goku's power for my own! So be glad Goku, you get to witness the beauty you have longed for through me."

"That's enough of your nonsense. Why don't you get on with the fight!" Goku said annoyed.

"Are you really going to stand there talking to Kakarot!" Vegeta flew up and sent a punch at Black.

Black grabbed Vegeta's fist and said, "you are nothing more than an opening act!"

"I am the damn star of this show!" Vegeta said furiously. Before Vegeta could attack again Black used his energy like a knife and stabbed Vegeta.

"Vegeta!" Mae yelled as he fell to the ground losing his super saiyan blue.

"Well Goku, now we can have our match." Black stared at Goku when he suddenly noticed Mae. "Is that your daughter, Mae? Well it will certainly be a pleasure to kill her in front of you but we can do that in time." He laughed mockingly.

"Don't you touch her!" Goku said going super saiyan blue. He flew up to meet Black and they started attacking each other.

Trunks and Mae ran over to where Vegeta had fallen. They looked up and watched as Goku and Black fought. "It looks like Goku is evenly matched with Black." Trunks said.

"He's not," Vegeta choked.

Mae looked at her mentor with a concerned look. Before she could say anything Goku was knocked to the ground. "Dad! Are you okay?" She started to get up.

"Stay back!" He yelled as Black was about to fire an energy blast at Goku.

"Stop!" A sudden voice said from the heavens. "I have let you go on your own for long enough." A Kai came down from the sky and stood next to Black.

"Zamasu!" Goku said.

"I was wrong they are different people!" Trunks said astonished.

"I thought we agreed that I would be the one to destroy Goku!" Zamasu laughed.

"Yes you are correct. I suppose since he was foolish enough to bring his daughter I will have to destroy her. Then we can really crush Goku!" Black sneered.

Mae stood and glared at Black and Zamasu. She knew that she was about to fight and she wasn't about to back down easily. "Trunks protect Vegeta." She whispered as she walked over to where Goku was. "Dad I will fight with you."

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