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Rin whipped around, nearly crashing into his shelves when clanging rang out in the water.

He saw Shiro and gasped. Had the crab been there the whole time?! He'd found Rin's collection! This was bad, this was really, really bad!

"S-Shiro!" He cried. The crab glared at him and attempted to untangle himself from the Pearl necklace and thimble on his foot. Rin picked him up and freed him, letting him settle on the ground. "Rin! How could you-what are you-what is all this?!" He sputtered.

"It's, uh, it's just my collection." Rin smiled nervously, fiddling with his curly hair that floated freely in the water.

"Oh, I see. Your collection, hm? IF YOUR FATHER KNEW ABOUT THIS PLACE, HE'D-!" Kuro rushed up to the angry crustacean.

"You're not gonna tell him are you?!" The fish shrieked. Rin clasped his hand together, his tentacles twisting in discomfort at the thought. "Please, Shiro! He'd never understand!" Rin begged. Shiro wore a cool smile.

"Rin....you're under a lot of pressure down here. Come with me, and I'll get you home, and get you something warm to drink-Hey, what are you doing?!" The prince had pulled away, going to examine the shape that had fallen over the cavern from the small source of light.

He swam up and slipped right through the little hole. The King's advisor sighed. Eight long, thick black tentacles and the boy still managed to fit through that little exit.....

Rin's head broke the surface of the water and he watched in wonder as huge explosions went off in the sky. They were colorful and seemed to be coming from the ship sailing past him.

He giggled and made his way closer to the boat.

Dozens of human men, all in striped shirts and light colored pants, dancing cheerfully to the music being offered by another sailor. But there was one man that was different than the rest.

He wore a simple loose white shirt, dark pants, and tall black boots. A furry creature that walked on all fours yipped and pranced around him.

The creature suddenly lifted its nose and sniffed its way to where Rin was peeking in. He ducked to the side quickly and looked back, getting licked by a long skinny tongue. It surprised him so much he nearly fell back into the water!

But a sharp whistle called the thing back. The man had striking pink hair and a lovely laugh.

An older man with greying hair and nice clothes called attention to himself and the Sea Prince watched as he said something and then uncovered a huge statue. He could tell straight away the man didn't like it, but Rin loved it! It was beautiful! Oh, if only he could have it in his collection!

"Oh Prince Renzou, we all want to see you happily settled down with a lovely bride. That's why your parents kicked you out, remember?" Saburota reminded his young charge. "Well, they're out there somewhere. I just..... Haven't found them yet." He sighed, looking out onto the dark water of the sea.

Rin nearly squealed. He was so handsome! And a Prince! Rin imagined being married to this man, living in a castle on land, with all kinds of things to explore.

He could've melted into the waves.

"Rin! What are you-Oh sweet Queen of the Seas! It's horrible!" The crab surfaced, seeing his charge looking dreamily at the men on the ship.

"Rin, come on, you know it will never happen!" He scolded. Rin's eyes dropped from the men back down to the water, looking at his tentacles as if they were a curse.

"I know." He sighed. He took one more longing look at the sailor and then plunged back into the water.

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