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Arianna holds a dress on a hanger to her chest and stands in front of her mirror.

"Been a hot minute since I've gone to a party," Arianna says.

"Me too," I say. I lay on my back on her bed texting Poppy. "Though I can't say I'm sad about it."

Arianna turns and faces me, lowering the dress.

"How? Parties are the best," she says before grabbing a different dress. "You've changed too much, and not for the better."

"You think if I stayed here I would've gone to college or uni?"

"I don't know."

"Realistically I probably would've never got my shit together. Maybe I would've been homeless."

"Or a druggie," she laughs. "Ah no way, I'd never let go do that to yourself."

It's quiet for a bit as she hums and picks through clothes.

"I think I've decided," she says grabbing a red dress. It's cropped above the knee.

"Is this boy cute? Nameless kid."


"Maybe you should learn his name. After texting for like two days now." she straightens out her dress.

"You look like you're going clubbing," I say turning to face her and dropping my phone on the bed beside me.

"I wish," she says. "This lucky fucker is turning nineteen tonight."

"Being seventeen sucks ass."

"Calm down bud, I've got it worse. My birthday is November twenty ninth."

"Jake is the lucky one really."

"He's got a really early birthday. You're in the middle and I've got a late ass birthday."

I sit up.

"I'm bored let's go."

"Jake isn't here yet. He's the drive."

"Yeah we can just wait outside."

I hop off her bed and wait for her at her bedroom door.

She scrambles to gather up her stuff and we make our way down the stairs.

Once we're outside I sit on the porch step and she leans against the wall.

Last time I was here at night she kissed me.

"I still think you should call Isaac."

"Why? You decided you won't take my phone and do it yourself because I'm too cowardly to?"

"It's too early in the night for you to be bitter. I'll only let it slide when you're drunk."

When I look down at my phone I'm on messages. I can see Isaac's name and so badly I want to click it.

It's been a week and a half.

Not that long.

I've gone longer without really talking to him. I think.

Then bright lights blind me as Jake pulls up into the driveway.

"And there's our chauffeur."

"This means he's going to be sober?" I ask.

"Oh he better be."

"And you better be watching him on that. I'm not getting in a car if he isn't but I'm also not planning on having a sleepover tonight."

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