I shudder as I think about what more they must have had to endure when the Granzians realized I had disappeared. Are they still yet alive? What has happened to them? I break out into a cold sweat at the thought of Calanthe being beaten on account of me, or worse.

"Once there, my conscience would not rest until I came and told someone the fate, as far as I know, of Traugott, Calanthe and Briallen. I hope you can help them somehow, for their sake."

I nod my head to leave, but Master Hulderic holds up his hand. "No, Kaitra. Sit down; we need to share a few words."


There is not much to say or do for the rest of the day, and we pass the hours in silence. Calanthe's eyes are muggy with the tears and fatigue and hurt. There is little I can do to comfort her. She stares listlessly into the distance, as if reliving the years she had with Briallen and wondering what had gone wrong to lead the two of them here. I burn with guilt; I have caused them more heartache than one family should ever endure. I am not worthy to represent my country.

"She is the only family I have left," Calanthe mourns, turning to face me. "Will I be coerced to suffer death without her?"

"No one is dying now, Calanthe," I say quietly.

"Not at this moment, no, but this is the kingly suite of this prison. Briallen is most likely locked in a cell similar to the ones from which we came. How will she fare there?"

I shake my head, "I know not."

"I wish Kaitra were with us still. I miss her company. She was a good friend when she forgot that she was being friendly." Calanthe's thin lips twist into a wry smile. "I thought for a long time that she hated us, but I don't think that she does anymore. It was fear, I think, that restrained her. Do you think she will return for us?" She asks.

She lays her head against my chest, and my heart skips a beat. Will she forgive me? But would anyone? I have butchered nearly everything I have touched.

"I wish I knew."


"Yes, sir?" I mumble, perching on the chair. I had hoped that I could fly from here after my speech and maybe even return home, but his calm tone warned me that I was long from done with this situation.

He clears his throat, "Why come tell me this? What kept you from staying comfortably in your other world with Rob and Adalynn?"

His question is the same as the one I have been asking myself since I pulled the sheath off the blade. How can I answer him when I haven't answered myself? "I know not, Master Hulderic. I couldn't get Yuragwyn and Calanthe out of my mind. I had to come back and get some help for her. You will try and help, won't you?"

"Won't you?" he replies quietly.

My stomach drops. "I cannot go back there, Master Hulderic! They had suspicions, even before I left, that I am the Daughter of Yuragwyn. Now that I have escaped, there is no doubt in their minds. If I show my face, they will kill me for certain!"

What have I said? Did I just admit to being his fabled daughter? The very title I have so rabidly tried to escape I have now claimed, in front of Master Hulderic, no less! Though I should be ashamed of myself, there is an inkling of calm in my heart as I speak the words.

I must be going insane.

"This is true and wise, Kaitra. You will stay here, and I will notify Lord Cadfael about the dilemma. He will rescue your friends." He folds his hands and reclines in his plush chair with a heaving sigh. His eye crinkle in pain, but his jaw does not quiver and his hands do not shake. He is calm, collected, and certain. How can he be so trusting that everything will work out?

After a few more moments of silence, I realize he has finished, bob my head, and rush out. No answers present themselves for the questions pressing on me. I can't seem to control myself any longer. Am I really going to do this?

I make my way to the street and head back to Llyendal for a bite to eat. My stomach aches, not only with hunger but with guilt. How can I, in any good conscience, leave now that I have admitted claim to the title? Besides, any true friend would be worried sick about her companions, not itching to leave them behind forever.

And when did I decide that Calanthe was my friend? It was only a few months ago when we met, and even in the time we have spent together we have said little. She fully believes I am this Daughter of Yuragwyn that everyone keeps talking about. She thinks I'm going to somehow save her country. Nothing she believes about me makes sense, but in some odd way I trust her. She has never left my side or turned her back on me. I would never be able to live with myself if I walked away and left her in danger.

I turn the corner into the courtyard, overwhelmed with my thoughts, and come face to face with a centaur's light coat and ever moving tail.

"Lady Kaitra! How joyous is your return!" He says, turning to me and bowing. "When did you arrive?"

I swallow the lump in my throat. It is Hiltraud.

Yuragwyn: OursUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum