Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

~Alana's POV~

It has been a two months since I have arrived to the Phantomhive manor, and it hasn't been that bad. All I had to do was help around the Manor and protect Ciel. I do have to change my appearance a bit due to the fact that people could recognize me, so with my powers, I changed my silver hair to black, and my light blue eyes to hazel eyes. Not that I mind, it's better this way. Ciel also told me it's best if I went under a different name, I told him that it would be Roselia Bianchi. Roselia is my second name, Bianchi is my mother's maiden name before she married.

The servants are very nice, but they don't seem to do their job very well. They all mess up in some way or another, well except for Tanaka. I asked Sebastian why Ciel would hire people like that, and he had told me that he was the one that had hired them, but not for household purposes. He had hired them for protecting the Phantomhive Manor and whoever lived in it. Apparently, Mey-Rin used to be a professional marksman. She wear glasses because she's nearsighted. Baldroy, or Brad for short, used to be a soldier. And Finnian, or Finn as I call him, used to be a test for scientist who would perform experiments on them, and apparently Finn was the last one who actually survived since they killed the rest because the police was starting to find out what they were doing. Finn ended getting super strength from it. I had to find that out the hard way when he a big heavy sack of seeds hit me from behind. I mean, I'm a part demon, but that caught me off guard. He looks so skinny, I'd never imagine he'd have super strength.

I was walking down the the stair when I hear someone knock on the door. I walk to the door and open it. As soon as I open it, all I see is something pink and yellow go by. I look behind me and see a girl with green eyes, blonde hair, held into pigtails and a wearing a pink dress. Wait, is that...

"Elizabeth?" I say whisper subconsciously. I cover my mouth, but she already turned to look at me.

"Why, hello! You must be a new servant! My name is Elizabeth Midford! What is your name?" Assuming as she told me her name, she didn't hear me. I sigh.

"My name is Roselia Bianchi." I lied to her.

"What a pretty name! Are you Italian?"

"Half, from my father's side." I said, which was a lie. I am actually half Italian from my mother's side. She stares at me for a moment.

"I-Is there something wrong Miss?" I say as she was creeping me out a bit.

"Oh! Sorry. It's just... you look awfully familiar. Have we meet before?" I stiffen at her words. I didn't think she would recognize me. Even after I changed my hair color and eye color with my powers, she still recognized me. 'Well, damn.'

"Ah! No. I don't think so. Maybe someone who looks like me but I have never meet you Miss." I lie to her. She looks at me more intensely.

"I guess you're right." She says. "Well, can you please lead me to Ciel?"

"Of course my lady." I say.

"Oh please! Just call me Lizzy! We're most likely that same age. It would be nice to have someone my age to talk to" she smiles purely. I softly sigh and smile at her.

"It wouldn't be appropriate for me to call your first name, and it would be even more inappropriate if i call you by a nickname, but if you'd like, I can call you 'Elizabeth' when there aren't any other guest." I say. She smiles more widely. 'Still the same old Elizabeth I knew from when we were younger.'

"Please follow me." I say and we head up the stairs.

I knock on the door to Ciel's study. I hear Ciel say come in. I open the door and immediately Elizabeth ran in. "Ciel!" She screamed.

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