''This is actually milk and eggs and rosemary and agrimony, and a cupful of vanilla and a pinch of John the Conqueror root and...tannis'' aunt Hilda stammers under our gazes.

''Uh and other herbs from my garden..drink up darlings'' she rushes away, Ambrose clears his throat.

''don't do it cousins'' he coughs.

I smirk, amused and spin the jar between my hands stalling.

''Ambrose'' aunt Zelda warns.

''Sabrina, Ivory, you need to pick familiars before your dark baptism, the cousin sent the registry, I've uh, indicated a few suitable options, now there's a handsome hedgehog, a noble-looking owl, vinegar Tom would happily welcome another dog'' aunt Zelda says flipping through a large book in front of us, turning to her own dog.

I shake my head at all of them, ''about that aunt Zee'' Sabrina starts, ''instead of picking a familiar out of a book, which is so, I don't know, dehumanizing-'' she's cut off by aunt Zelda.

''Familiars are goblins who have taken the shape of animals to better serve their witch masters, there's nothing human about them'' she says cockily.

''But we've been practising a summoning spell Sabrina found in the Demonomicon, and what if we put out that we're looking for familiars, and see if anyone wants to volunteer?'' i suggest and Sabrina smiles at me.

''I think that's a charming idea'' aunt Hilda says cheerfully as always, aunt Zelda ignores the idea and goes back to the dark baptism.

''What about your baptismal names? have you settled on any yet?'' she asks us.

''I have, as a matter of fact, Edwina Diana, Edwina which is almost Edward to honour our father and Diana to honour our mother, and not just to honour them, to be closer to them, to have them with me as i walk the path of night'' Sabrina says and i smile.

They'd be proud of her.

Aunt Hilda's voice breaks ''i wasn't gonna cry, and i just-i just wish your mum and dad were here to see this, to see you both'' she sniffles looking at us.

''Me too auntie'' Sabrina smiles, ''me too'' i smile sadly.

''They would be so proud of the young women you've become'' aunt Hilda sniffles again.

''Correction, Hilda, they'd be proud of the young witches they are becoming, Ivory what's your baptismal name?'' aunt Zelda asks and i blank.

''I uh..it's..i don't have it yet'' i stammer and look down.

''You need one, i suggest you decide fast'' aunt Zelda says and i bite my cheek.

Aunt Hilda touches my shoulder ''well, that's alright darling, i'm sure you'll find one in time'' she assures and i smile ''yeah''.

Sabrina and I both pat the dirt flat after burying the dead bat, both lost in thought.

''Penny dreadful for your thoughts, cousins?'' Ambrose asks from in front of us.

We stand up, wiping our hands.

''Just..some people might say that a bat crashing through a window is a bad omen'' Sabrina says anxiously.

''And i found a two-headed frog in my shoe yesterday'' i say mimicking her expression.

Ambrose stands up, ''hold a tic, you're not having doubts are you, about your dark baptism? back inside with Madams Jekyll and Hyde, you seemed excited, Sabrina more than Ivory though'' he says and i chuckle.

''And i am'' Sabrina stresses, ''me too'' i say.

''But i'm also a little...'' she worries.

''And i'm also a little...'' i add-on and he smiles.

''It's all right to be a little nervous, going into the woods, signing your name in the dark lord's book, even i had butterflies'' he reassures and we chuckle.

"What have you told your mortal friends? that you're being transferred to some posh boarding school in Connecticut?'' he laughs and we tense, looking at each other sadly.

''Cousins..you have told them something i hope'' he says sympathetically.

''Not yet'' i mumble, staring at the ground.

''We're waiting for the right time'' Sabrina says and starts walking away, linking my arm with hers.

''But it will never be the right time, that's why you must rip this particular band-aid off'' he says following us.

''You wouldn't understand Ambrose, you were born a full witch'' i say.

''You didn't have to say goodbye to half your life'' Sabrina continues, ''your friends'' i list, ''your boyfriend'' Sabrina says bitterly.

''True, but afterwards, when you're fully witches, you'll stay younger longer, you'll cultivate your gifts at the Academy of unseen arts, where your father was headmaster, you will belong, cousins, in every sense of the word'' he tries convincing us.

''We know'' i say turning to him, ''and we want all those things, we do. It's just...it's dumb'' Sabrina smiles sadly.

''You're only supposed to start missing things after you say goodbye to them, right?'' i say sadly and Ambrose sighs.

''I've been on house arrest with our aunties for the last 75 years, forbidden from leaving these grounds, i am continuously missing everything'' he smiles sadly before entering the house.

POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now