T H I R T Y - T H R E E | P O V

Start from the beginning

"It's because chris had helped me to be a little more "normal" " i said quoting with my fingers

Noah laughed and shook his head "Chris is faaaar away from normal, monkey"

"What i'm saying is... he did help me dress a little cuter, do my hair in certain way..." i completed

"can i see how you looked like back then?" He said eager and i laughed

"probably my mom would show you some photos" i shrugged " i was just this emo girl who was always wearing black and had bangs in my face almost every time, which is probably why i need to use glasses to study. "

He laughed a little and shrugged "You know, we all had our Emo phase" He smiled at me " I'm pretty sure 16 year old noah would have a maayor crush on you" He said grinning

"Oh really? was highschool noah a jock?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Yes.. but one of the nice ones" he assured, which i didn't believe

"And you dated the cheerleaders?" I asked again

"emm..." he said thinking about it

"I knew it" I said with a giggle

"Just One!!" he defended himself but it was too late, i bet he was just another jock who dates cheerleaders and bullied nerds, and ofcourse weird kids like me.

"It's okay.. i mean, you are still an athlete , an amazing one, but we've grown up, these kind of things don't matter anymore" i said kissing his cheek carefully to not bother his driving

"What else? what about your friends?" He kept asking about my past i sighed and continued

"I had only one friend called Stacy, she was the only one that used to get me" I said a little sad, remembering what happened to stacy, and sighing, hoping he wouldn't notice

"Will you introduce me to stacy when we get there?" He asked with a bright smile on his face that i was about to wipe off

"You're gonna feel like an asshole..." I simply said and he frowned

"Why? what did i do?" he asked with a confused face

I took a deep breath shaking my head and placing my hand top of noah's. "Because she's dead." I said biting my lip and looking down, trying my best to not start crying.

"oh...." he mumbled and held my hand tightly while he used the other one to drive "I'm sorry... I am indeed an asshole" He said with an apologetic smile

"We were in junior year..." I started, about to tell the whole story

"Baby, if you don't want to talk about it...It's okay, really" He said biting his lip at the awkward moment we were in

"I want to tell you, i trust you and it's fine now, i miss her, sure, but there is nothing to do about it, just move on...right?" he deserved to know actually everything about me, i wouldn't want to hide these kinds of things to him, he was understanding, he liked to listen to me.

"Yes baby" he said smiling softly at me

"We were in Junior year, and i don't know how, well... i do know, stacy had huge tits" i laughed a little " we got invited to our first party. Everyone was going to be there, she was so excited to be partying with the seniors...." I sighed, getting to the sad part of it " I offered to be the designated driver, but she said she was not going to drink anyways, and i believed her, we got to the party, we were being approached by the hot senior guys, everything was fun, until her crush tried flirting with me, i didn't flirt back, but she said i did."

"I see why a senior would like you, i bet you were adorable" He smiled

"Oh he just wanted an easy fuck probably" I replied shrugging, he rolled his eyes and shook his head

"Anyways..." I continued " She was furious at me, she said she hated me... and she told me to find a ride home, that she was not taking me" I bit my lip, i wish i had payed more attention to her in that party. "That was the last thing she said to me..." a tear escaped my eye and i quickly wiped it "People said she got super wasted, and slept with i don't know how many guys, which, i still don't believe... and she had an accident in her car on the way home..."

"damn valerie... I am so sorry, i must have been so hard for you" He said with a soft calming tone in his voice

"it was hard..." i sighed "I was depressed for the rest of the year... That summer i met a guy that made me forget about how lonely i felt without my best friend, and got attached to him badly" i shook my head remembering.

"Why aren't you with him anymore?" He asked now being super curious

"Are we having the ex talk now? because i have never asked you about your exes" I said cheeky , trying to avoid the subjects

"I'm just curious babe, please tell me? i'll tell you anything about my exes, they are not many"

"really? do you expect me to believe that YOU" i said emphasizing him because well, i don't know if i've said it enough, but he was gorgeous. "That you don't have many exes"

He shrugged "I have dated, kissed, had one night stands with some girls" he admitted "but, i've just had very few real girlfriends"

"I'm so lucky i got to be one of them, right?" i said sarcastically

"Consider yourself the luckiest" he chuckled "but let's not change the subject" he said getting serious "What happened with you and this boy?"

"Well, we dated almost all Senior year but he took advantage of my vulnerable state, and that he was basically my only friend, he would always make me feel humiliated, and wanted to control me in almost every aspect" I sighed "he was crazy, for sure, and he also didn't support me when i said i wanted to be an artist, and didn't get happy for me when i got into stanford, he was admitted to a college in L.A and he said i should stay in L.A or we would be over"

"Douche" Noah said rolling his eyes

"I know..." i shrugged

"Wait... you told me you've never had a boyfriend before" Noah said frowning

"I don't count him as one, i hate him" i shrugged., crossing my arms in front of my chest

"Would you not count me if we break up?" he asked pursing his lips

"You look like a hollister model, even if i said i've dated you, no one would believe me" I said laughing a little

Noah laughed too and shook his head "Is not hard to believe that a Victoria Secret Model looking girl, is dating a Hollister Model Looking boy" He said defending me, from myself

"pshh... You know that's not true" I said rolling my eyes shaking my head

"It is true, To me, you are the most beautiful girl on the planet" He said in a soft voice while he was biting his lip

"Cheesyyy" i said giggling a little and he laughed too

"I mean it" He said serious

"I know, I love you, noodle head " I kissed his cheek

"I love you too, little monkey" he said with a smile as we drove through the 'Welcome to Los Angeles' sign 

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