17) Invisible

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When Taylor woke up that morning, she felt beyond tired but at least she had a free day today. It was her birthday and her management must have felt bad for her because of the whole thing with Karlie a few months ago so they had given her a span of three days off this week. It was nice but she would much prefer to be working or at least doing something. Because when she was around people all day, she would force herself to eat because if anybody thought they hadn't seen her eat for the whole day, the media could possibly get a hold of that idea. But then when she was at home, it was different. No one was here with her so she never ate. Well, maybe she would have something light like a salad for lunch but nothing for breakfast or dinner. She was never hungry anymore and she felt stupid that she could tell what path she was falling down again yet she did nothing about it. Maybe she deserved it for what she did to Karlie. Wait... Why was she suddenly feeling bad for her? She was the one who... cheated.

But Taylor didn't exactly get up right away, she stayed in bed and thought about the whole situation she was in. Karlie, the girl she used to know so well, cheating on her? She was always so loyal to Taylor. She never kept a secret from her. She always had her back. She swore she would never do anything to hurt her.

But people can change.

Taylor didn't want to think that was what happened but it seemed like the only reasonable explanation. Something must have changed in Karlie while Taylor was on her tour. Was she traveling too much, and Karlie felt left out and kind of betrayed because Taylor was having so much fun without her? Maybe that was what made her do it. But, always, she was always so supportive of anything Taylor did or desired. It almost didn't make any sense and she almost wanted to open up that letter she got from Karlie weeks ago. Well, she had opened it, but she still hadn't read it.

2 hours later
Still, she hadn't bothered to get anything to eat, she had just been watching her favorite show for the morning. It was boring, she had to admit. At least when she had Karlie here with her she had somebody to talk to and to cuddle with when she just wanted to relax. Someone to vent her problems to and someone to make her feel better after. She had missed that if she was being truthful. Why ever had she dumped her? It was stupid of her and she could finally admit that to herself.

But on another note, when she opened up her phone having gotten a text from one of her friends, she was surprised when she noticed that nobody had wished her a happy birthday. She was sure it was the thirteenth of December today. Also, she wasn't trying to be selfish, it just seemed odd to her. Taylor even tried scrolling all the way down in her contacts to see if she had missed anything from the day before but there was nothing new. Just Karlie's contact at the very bottom with the last message ever sent between the two.

You: What? Stop acting like even more of a bitch then you already are.

Yes, she had deleted her number but after adding it back, she surprisingly got their whole conversation back. Great. That very last text she had sent was when Karlie had texted her something really weird weeks ago. Something about it being her? Asking her how she couldn't notice? Taylor had no idea what it was all about. She had assumed Karlie had some weird dream about whatever those texts were. But out of all of that, she strongly regretted calling her a bitch.


"I'm sorry, Karlie. I really am." Taylor sighed, leaning against the door to their room. Karlie had locked herself in there after an argument between the two. It was pretty bad this time around. Usually, it was just a few words back and forth but this time, they were both exhausted from their jobs and were just in that mood to argue. But Taylor had taken it a little too far.

"No, just go away." She mumbled on the other side of the door.

"I'm not leaving." Taylor stood her ground. She really felt she needed to apologize for the whole situation. And anyway, she hated seeing her girlfriend upset like this. It broke her heart so much. Hearing her whimpers and sniffles from the other side of the door only made her heart ache worst as she felt even more guilty.

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