7) We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Ever)

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"H-How could you-you say something like t-that?" Taylor whispered in a barely audible voice. She tried to say more but when your whole future just comes crashing down in front of you, it's not easy. Tears started to flood her vision but she wouldn't come off weak in front of the guy she thought she'd marry, along with a couple hundred people scattered throughout the church. She threw the bouquet of flowers onto the ground before balling up the dress in her hands, lifting it up and running down the aisle. She didn't look back, she couldn't.

"Taylor! Taylor!" She heard him call her name over and over but she wouldn't turn back, not now. She ran out the doors, trying her best not to trip over her dress. All she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and just... forget everything. He wouldn't stop teasing her about being gay and all that. She wasn't. She was bi. She hated how he would take advantage of her and always embarrass her every chance he got.

The streets were pretty calm except for the paparazzi which were now trailing behind her. She knew this looked bad, she knew this would be on the cover of many magazines for the next month but there was no other way around it. Either, stay in that church while the eyes of all those people burned through her, or run away possibly getting away from any and everybody.

After Taylor lost her breath, she stopped, not realizing she made it into the middle of the street. When she did notice, she quickly got away and sat down on the side of the road. She knew the expensive wedding dress was getter dirty from the gravel and dirt beneath her but she didn't give a fuck. Finally, Taylor let the tears fall, listening to her sobs as she replayed what had just happened twenty minutes ago, in her head. She felt so stupid and alone and... broken. She felt like no one understood how much she hated those jokes. It had been going on for a couple years and she had had enough.

A flash of a camera went off, following a couple more. Taylor sighed, knowing the paparazzi had found her again. She never got privacy, never and she hated it. Click of heels were a distant sound but as they got closer, muffling her whimpers, she looked up out of pure curiosity. The girl coming up to her had something special about her, something Taylor kind of... longed for. She felt better seeing the girl, she felt safer.

"Are you okay?" The blonde woman asked, peering down at Taylor. Taylor just shrugged and wiped the tears using her dress. "Here, grab my hand. Oh, and sorry about the paparazzi." She smiled slightly then shot the people a look to get away. Taylor nodded at her sweet smile. She had never seen the girl before in her life but she immediately felt a spark when their hands touched. She felt something a lot different, something she had never felt before as she took the tall girl's hand. But at the same time their fingers intertwined, Taylor was immediately back to the day they broke up, the day that ended it all.

"You cheated on me! You fucking cheated on me!!" Taylor yelled right before being cut off by Karlie's lips on hers. At first, she was surprised but finally gave in near the end of the kiss. She could feel something different radiating off Karlie but she couldn't pin point it. It felt something like loneliness to her but who knows if she was even right. The kiss got broken apart when the younger girl shoved Taylor backwards... lightly but it was still hard enough to be considered a shove.

"I bet you wanna know why I cheated on you." Karlie started, her green eyes piercing into the other girl's blue ones. Before Taylor could even nod, she continued. "I don't know why I did it. I gotta say though, what you told me about that guy who you were going to marry... it helped when I climbed into bed with him. Thanks." She finished with a devilish smile.

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