I dont like to share(Theo)

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Imagine -Theo is back in town and Scott trusts him. But Stiles doesn't and either do you. Yet Theo still manages to make your walls crumble a little

Theo Raeken had been back in town 3 weeks and you still didn't trust him mainly because Stiles didn't but you also had your reasons.
" I don't trust him." Stiles said for the millionth time tonight.
" Oh come on guys we always give everyone one a chance." Scott said still trying to talk you and Stiles into letting Theo help with the Dread Doctors.
" Yes Scott we do." You said Scott giving you a thankful look before you said "But-"
Scott cut you off with a sigh and a frown "Does there always have to be a But."
Stiles turned to his best friend completely exasperated "Scott I love you I really do , but why don't you just shut up, and listen to what she has to say."
"Thank you Stiles." You said.
You began your point again " Now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. We give everyone chances but Theo isn't just anyone. I mean do you really think my older neighbor who left town when we were all kids, just happened to come back when the Dread Doctors arrive and also be a werewolf? It's suspicious if you ask me."
There was no reply until Stiles said " She's right Scott that is just too coincidental."
Scott turned to you both conflicted "He's the only one with information on who and what the dread doctors are. I trust you guys I do, but just give him a chance. He might help us defeat them."
You groaned "You're not going to give us much of a choice are you."
" Nope. I texted him already he'll be here in 5 minutes to read the book." Scott announced to you both.
" Wait ,so you're saying that you were just buying time until it was too late for us to object. How very ( Y/N) like of you." Stiles commented.
" I'm impressed Scott." You said " But I'm still not happy about it."
You turned and left the room. Your irritation radiating off you like fire.
Stiles turned to Scott " Dude, She's pissed."

Five minutes passed and Theo arrived like clockwork much to your dismay.
Scott talked for a few minutes but you stopped listening after "We'll have to finish the book to be able to find and see the dread doctors."
He then proceeded to give everyone a book and everyone found a seat.
You sat on one of the sofas in the corner by yourself.
You were 13 pages into the book when you felt the sofa dip beside you.
You looked up to see none other than Theo and resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
He smiled well, it was somewhere between a smirk and a smile in all honestly and said "Hope you don't mind but all the other seats are taken and Scott's beta doesn't seem very fond of me."
I wonder what Liam did that i didn't you thought.
You smiled at Theo " Sure. nobody was sitting there anyways"
At some point while reading the book Liam fell asleep so you being you got up and shouted a "boo!" in his ear waking him up and getting everybody's attention at the same time.
"What the hell , (Y/N)!" The young beta all but shouted causing you to chuckle.
You picked your jacket up and while putting it on and announced to the others that you were leaving.
" Hey Scott," you said no longer as annoyed at him "I'm going home ....and you might want to drop Liam back to his house as well." You added watching the blue eyed beta doze off again a smile on your lips.
" I will." Scott agreed his eyes now on his beta who's book had fallen on the ground.
You nodded before telling Malia,Lydia and Kira that you'd call them later.
Just as you reached Scott's door you hear Theo call your name "(Y/N)"
You turned to face the direction his voice came from.
"I'll drop you home. I mean I live next door after all."
You saw him come around the corner of the wall and walk towards you.
You mentally groaned at how he had sat beside you and now wanted to drop you home.
He saw your hesitant look and sighed sounding...irritated? "Oh come on it's just a car drive."
You gave in not in the mood to argue "Fine,you can drop me home."
You opened Scott's door and walked out to the garden waiting for Theo to follow.
You watched him as he approached taking in how much he had changed.
His jawline was more pronounced and well he was taller and then there was the muscles that were noticeable to say the least on his biceps.
You still didn't trust him but you trusted that he wasn't going to try hurt you.
I know weird right but there was just something about him that made you trust him even if it was just a little.

Yous both reached the car and got in.
He started the engine and pulled away from Scott's house.
There was silence but then Theo said "Out with it (Y/N)."
You gave him a questioning look and he said "We lived on the same road for 8 years I know you have something you want to say to me."
"I don't it's just that you've changed that's all." You finally said.
"You don't trust me." He said as if reading your mind.
"Yes I do." You denied.
"No." He said "You trust that I won't try hurt you but you don't trust my intentions."
You gave him a sarcastic smile "Well what can I say my trust has to be earned."
"So it's not Stilinski then?" He asked turning his head to look at you.
"Well Stiles and I tend to agree with each other a lot if I may say so myself ."
"I wouldn't trust me either." Theo said surprising you.
"No?" You asked suddenly curious.
" I mean if somebody came back here now and was a werewolf looking to join a pack I was in while there was other dodgy things happening I wouldn't trust them either."
You laughed ironically "Scott couldn't understand where I was coming from earlier on with this but you, the one I was talking about understands perfectly."
Theo smiled lightly "So I hear your a werewolf too. That you always have been actually."
"Yep." You said popping the 'p'
"I was born a werewolf but I was adopted as everyone knew. So I leaned control by myself." You finished.
"It must've been hard." Theo commented.
"What about now? I mean who do you live with?" He asked.
"My mom died last year my dad died 3 years before." You answered. "She left everything to me in her will and all my inheritance money so it's just me now." Your finished with a thoughtful voice.
Theo parked in his garden a small frown on his face from listening to you.
You and Theo climbed out of his car and you turned to walk towards you house.
Surprised when Theo followed you.
"Did you want something Theo?" You asked as you reached your door.
He looked pensive for a moment before saying "You know I use to have a crush on you (Y/N)" he said.
This caused you to stop what you were doing and turn to face him an eyebrow raised "Oh really?" You said .
"Of course." He said "And upon seeing you again I realized that I never really did get over you." He admitted.
You turned back around while saying "Go home Theo."
Only for him to turn you around and pin you to your door. His hands on either side of your head.
"You don't really want me to though do you?" He said a smirk playing on his lips. "And don't lie because I can hear your heartbeat."
"Well maybe I don't but I also know I can do so much better than you." You sassed.
This caused anger to flare in Theo's eyes and he roughly pressed his lip to yours.
When he pulled away yous both had to catch you breath.
"I suppose it's a good thing that I don't like to share then isn't it." He panted but it still came out as a growl.
"I still don't trust your intentions." You said to him.
"Then don't " was his reply "But know they will always be pure when it comes to you." He whispered a little harshly in your ear.
You pushed your door open and walked inside quickly followed by Theo.
You didn't even object as you asked " Why are you in my house?"
"Well the Dread Doctors are still out there and somebody needs to protect you." Was his response.
"I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself." You snapped.
"And I don't doubt it." He said as he got closer to you yet again.
"But it gives me time to get you to let me stay the night" he said his lips brushing against yours.
You stepped away from him using the last of your will to do so only to fall back of the sofa.
Theo was with you in seconds as his lips captured yours in another bruising kiss.

A/N- so first Theo imagine🤪 I mean who doesn't love him because I really do. Anyways hope you enjoyed it😜

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