Yan Yao Yao instantly came back to herself, her rage made her to act against "that bastard wife" but she don't regret her action.

She arrogantly lift her chin, ignorant to the hostility of everyone around her. Even the fourth prince can only helplessly shake his head, he knows his third sister is done.

Su Qian Meng raise her small and exquisite face full of tears that can gain any man protection, such a delicate and innocent face only meant to smile and not to feel wrong.

There is no grievance that can be seen nor humiliation, instead she hastily hold the third princess hand but was only to be rejected right away.

"Don't think you can easily touch this princess jade hands. After humiliating the royal family and defending the slaves, you don't have the qualification. Apologize to this princess!" Yan Yao Yao said with full of disgust, her fury truly blind her and forgot the ettequites that the Shu Guifei taught her.

Lin Mama is ready to retaliate but Su Qian Meng shake her head.
" Third princess, this wangfei never have the intention to humiliate the royal family and only stated the things that I have seen with my own eyes. I never apologize to things I have never done. It was a pity this wangfei good intention is not appreciated. " Her voice is soft yet it carries authority that even the third princess felt unknown fear.

Su qian meng lovingly caress her swollen left cheek and smilingly said " this slap already compensate to whatever the third princess grievance."

Upon seeing her smile, the third princess cannot help but to feel cold.

"Benwang only left you for awhile, and this already happened " a powerful voice instantly broke the tense atmosphere, an elegant and domineering men approaching them.

Su Qian Meng instantly face her "so called husband" and more tears instantly fell from her eyes, she immediately run and find comfort from her husband chest. She hid her face from everyone to see and silently crying.

Everyone became astonish to the scene that they currently watching. Duan Wangfei seems so small and fragile beside the tall but strong body of Duan Wangye. The small stature of Su Qian Meng perfectly fitted to Yan Hong Tian body.

Not only everyone but even Yan Hong Tian was not ready and feel awkward but the moment he heard the small sob from his little wife, his cold heart instantly soften.

He knew from the start, his wangfei is a cunning fox, her happy face when she was slap and her pitiful act have been witness by him. His indifferent eyes became doting and gently pat her back like comforting a small child.

"Greetings third princess and Rui wangye " a man in full amor respectfully bow.

Hearing the familiar voice, Yan Yao Yao face immediately pale, how can she reveal her temperament to him. Her gentle appearance and reputation instantly crumble. She only want to hide to a faraway place, she hopefully look at her brother. But, unfortunately Yan Xiao Mo no longer interested to meddle to her affairs, he flash his gentle smile,
" second brother , sister in law and great general this prince must take his leave for Shu Guifei ask for this prince presence. Lets meet again in banquet later ".

Yan Yao Yao can only feel her knee weaken upon the gaze the second prince giving her, adding the embarrassing scene that being witness by her love one.

"Great general and Seco - " Yan Yao Yal gently call but was instantly berate by Yan Hong Tian

" a small princess dare to bully benwang wangfei? This brother may remind you, Su Qian Meng is still the daughter - in - law of empress. While sister is a daughter of a concubine, noble consort or not but in the eyes of benwang it is no different to an ordinary side woman!"

Yan Yao Yao no longer endure the humiliation and instantly fell unconscious . Cui - er immediately catch her mistress.

"Eunuch Wei, benwang expect to report everthing that have happened here to imperial father, and tell him that benwang wangfei suffer greatly that we cannot attend tonight banquet "his voice is indifferent yet can bring fright to anyone.

"Yes , your highness" Eunuch Wei reveal himself and immediately bow.

" This great general will also take his leave, and go to the military barracks. " Jiang Mo Chen retain his expressionless face went forward not bothering of what have happened.

Su Qian Meng, slowly peek and a small grin appeared at her cunning face, but instantly fade when Yan Hong Tian instantly carried her in princess style. She panicked and unconsciously hug his neck, but immediately regain her composure. The moment she will take her hand from his neck, a warmth breath can feel from her ear sweetly whispering " don't move!, wangfei act is truly fascinating, deserve to be rewarded "

Su Qian Meng can't help but to fell awkward and embarass at their current position, but since Yan Hong Tian help her in her act then she will submit this time, ONLY THIS TIME!. Then she happily buried her face in his neck, why make things difficult to yourself. Her face is still in pain, facing the spoiled princess is really tiring no more energy to walk

Lin Mama can't help but to smile, this couple is truly fated to be together. A woman like Duan Wangfei truly suited to her young master.


Eunuch Wei silently watching the couples back and coldly shift his attention to third princess.

"Take your mistress back to her palace, tell her not to worry because this servant will report everything to the emperor" and immediately left upon giving the order.

Cui-er can't help but to feel frightened, this was not supposed to happen. She carefully gain the trust of the spoiled princess to attain her goal and that is to get the attention of Duan Wangye. But the events that happened are telling her that everything is fated to be doom. The expression of the personal eunuch of the emperor is not good. She can only wish that Shu Guifei have ways to turn the tides in their side. But there is one thing that she is sure of, the Duan Wangfei is not simple!

The Venomous Wangfeiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें