Just to clarify (Not a chapter, please read)

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Just a few things I wanted to clarify.

1. Derek's family never died in the Hale house fire, they moved to a house that's a few hours away.

2. Derek still acts like the usual sourwolf he is.

4. Isaac, Erica, Boyd.

5. Derek is the Alpha, Scott is still a true Alpha but likes to let Derek do the 'Alpha-y' things.

6. Derek and Stiles are not dating. (Yet;)

7. Sorry no Stydia or Stalia also there is no Kira, Jackson, the twins or Liam in this fic.

8. Peter was never evil, he lives with Derek's family a few hours away.

9. Derek's pack is called the McCall-Hale Pack, so they don't get mixed up with Derek's family.

10. Lastly, the Pack members:

Erica Reyes - (Beta)

Vernon 'Boyd' Boyd - (Beta)

Isaac Lahey - (Beta)

Allison Argent (Human, Hunter)

Lydia Martin (Human, Banshee)

Scott McCall (True Alpha)

Stiles Stilinski (Human, Keeps the pack toghter, secret mastermind.)

Derek Hale (Alpha)

Adults that are kind of in the pack but usually stay out of it:

Chris Argent (Human, Hunter)

Melissa McCall (Human, Nurse)

Alan 'Doc' Deaton (Human, Druid)

Noah Stilinski (Human, Sheriff)

I think that's it, tell me if you want me to list Derek's family members (I may do it anyway when they become important.)

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