Chapter 2: Coffee Run

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Emma's POV:

I barely slept last night. My mind was going a million miles an hour. All I can think about is Ethan. I want so badly to just tell him how I f*cking feel, but I don't want to ruin anything.

*DING*. My phone buzzed.

From Ethan😎:
Good morning Emma :)

To Ethan😎:
Good morning Ethan :)

From Ethan😎:
You up for a coffee run with Gray and I?

To Ethan😎:
F*cking always! Be there soon.

My stomach immediately got butterflies.

Why am I being such a god d*amn p*ssy? It's just a guy.

Just a very hot guy.

I look in the mirror. Ugh. I look horrible. I still have my acne cream on from last night, and my hair is in knots.

I don't give a flying f*ck.

I go to my closet and find an outfit to wear. I don't want to look like I'm trying, but try. Ya know?

I pull out a white crop top and ripped jean shorts. As I walk out of my closet I glance quick in the mirror, and realize that my hair is still a mess. I took my white scrunchie and put my hair in a high pony then wiped off my  acne cream. That's just gonna have to do.


(At the coffee shop)

Ethan's POV

Grayson and I already have our coffee and are sitting outside waiting for Emma. I don't know why I'm so excited to see her, but I am. My body feels like it's the night before Christmas and I am just overly happy. But why?

"Ethan stop fricking shaking your leg. It's annoying." I didn't realize I was until Grayson said something.

"Sorry." I replied.

"Why are you so nervous? It's like you're meeting her for the first time or something. Chill out dude."

"I don't know. I just— I don't know." I said, not really knowing what to say.

"You just what? Like her?" He chuckled.

"What?" I knew I did, I just haven't talk to him about it before. I don't want him to hate me for having a girlfriend. I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes it's like we can only really be there for each other if no one else is in the picture. I don't want him to feel less important to me just because of a girl.

"Come on dude. I know you like her, you know you like her. Just tell her already and get on with it." He laughed again.

"Yeah it's just— I don't want you and I to grow apart. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm serious. Even though I hate you sometimes, you're my best friend Gray."

"Eww. Don't get f*cking mushy on me." He looked at me disgusted and pushed me. We both laughed. "I honestly don't care. You know I'd tell you if you needed to get your priorities in check because of your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend." I looked down and smiled at the thought.

"Stop being such a f*cking p*ssy and ask her out then." I looked up. He was serious now.

"You wouldn't care? You don't think my points are valid?" I questioned.

"Dude I'm done talking about this. You're my brother Ethan. I would only disapprove if it weren't Emma. But it is. I know how happy she makes you. Just look at your frickin leg! You're turning into a girl." He laughed at himself.

"Ha-ha." I mocked, tilting my head side to side as I said it.

"Speak of the devil." Grayson said loudly. I looked up.

"Hey Em." I said.

"Heyyyy." She drew out the 'y' with a squeaky voice. Grayson and I looked at each other and laughed at her. "Ew. Hated that." She stated.

We both got up from our seats and hugged her, mine lasting a little more longer than Gray's. She looked around the table.

"You couldn't f*cking wait for me?" She pointed at our drinks and laughed.

"Sorry?" Grayson shrugged with his shoulders, not really caring, and laughed.

"I'll go in with you." I offered.

"Okay." She obliged. I peeked behind me at Grayson as Emma and I turned towards the door. He was moving his eyebrows up and down. A face that said: 'Do it. Do it. Do it'. I turned and mouthed 'stop' before I opened the door for her.

There was one person in front of us, so we had to wait. All I could think about was how close we were standing. Too close to just be friends, but not close enough to be dating. All my body could focus on was my shoulder against hers.

"One venti Iced almond milk latte and a blueberry muffin please."

She looked at me while we waited.

"So what's poppin E?"

"Nothin much E." We both laughed.

"Where's James?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I didn't ask. Gray just said he was going to go get coffee and I was invited if I wanted to come. All I could think about was you". I paused. Then I realized what I just said and how it sounded. She started to blush.

"You know, because you like coffee so much". She laughed.

"Oh haha. True". She smiled. It was a beautiful smile. It's all I could see— until the barista came over with her drink and muffin so Emma turned towards her.

"That will be $8.95". The barista placed the coffee and blueberry muffin on the table that was separating us.

I immediately stepped in front of Emma, blocking her view. In this position her body was up against my back. It made me smile with chills going up my body.

Maybe I am going soft.

I quickly handed the barista a $10 bill before Emma could stop me.

"Ethan what— are you— what are you doing"? She was trying to get around me, but I wouldn't let her. I kept angling my body so that she couldn't. She's so tiny that she didn't even move me a little.

"Keep the change." I said to the stranger, smirking.

I turned around with her coffee in one hand and muffin in the other. She stopped and pouted at me with her arms crossed.

"You look like a 5 year old girl." I laughed and she broke her frown to smile a little.

"You didn't have to do that". She said smiling as she grabbed the objects from my hands. As she did that, her hands slowly crept across mine making sure they touched. Her hands were so cold that her touch made me shiver in the slightest way. Or maybe it was because of a different reason. I blushed.

"Well it was my pleasure ma'am." I said in a southern accent. I held the door open for her on our way outside.

"Why thank you." She mocked in the same southern accent. I smiled at her as we made our way back to our seats next to Grayson.

A/N ~

Please leave a comment letting me know how you liked this book. So excited to see how you all enjoy it!

Hopefully you guys liked this one a little more. It was longer than the first one and we got some Ethma moments in there :)

Next chapter gets even better!


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