"I uh, don't know what to say to that."

"There's nothing to be said." Lucas might appear cool on the outside as he passed silverware around, so they could get started on eating, but Matt knew better. There was a full blown storm brewing behind Lucas's cool face. Although Matt couldn't be sure if it was a severe thunderstorm or a category 5 hurricane. "I'm supposed to fly back over to Ohio today and be there in time for the funeral tomorrow."

"That's bullshit!" Matt slammed his fists on the table.

Lucas was unperturbed by Matt's little outburst. Matt was very opposed to being violent. This little outburst was about as violent as Matt could get. "I'm sorry to say this, but your mom can't expect to tell you all this last minute and expect you to jump. I know she's a dramatic woman, but seriously? Will she ever grow up?"

"Nope." Lucas started taking a mouthful of food when Matt started to see it.

Lucas never stuffed his face, ever. Unless he was overwhelmed with emotion.

Matt held onto Lucas and eventually led him back over towards the couch. It ended up with Lucas holding Matt in both of his arms as he cried a little.

Matt thought about telling Lucas how sorry he was. He thought about telling Lucas that he had a sneaking suspicion about his childhood being darker than he let on. Silence was the only thing Matt managed to carry out while he grasped onto Lucas's shirt. He tried to hold Lucas tight as possible, but Matt didn't possess the strength.

Lucas held Matt between his legs while keeping his arms around Matt, as if Matt were the one who needed the comforting. As it turned out, that exactly what Matt needed. Matt found himself crying for his best friend. The best friend who got cheated from a normal life with horrible parents.

Who knew how long they laid together like that, but breakfast was likely cold now.

Matt wordlessly detached himself with little effort when he went to his phone. He made sure to move out of earshot from Lucas by pretending to go to the bathroom. When he returned, it was with enough conviction to cut through steel. "I'm going with you."

Lucas wisely chose not to argue.

"When is the plane due to leave? Did you schedule one yet?"

Lucas nodded silently and without looking at Matt. He looked, kind of lost but holding it together.

Within minutes, Matt had himself packed and ready to go. He unfortunately wouldn't be able to leave on the same plane as Lucas. The next plane to Ohio would take off 4 hours after Lucas's departure thanks to all the last minute preparations. Work was already cleared for the rest of the week, though Matt wasn't pleased about that. Matt was never a fan of taking off work because like any sane person, less work meant less pay. Then again, he did have some vacation days set up just in case. So it worked out just fine.

Matt gave Lucas another firm hug before he watched Lucas go, and then Matt had to make another call because he'd completely forgotten.

"I'm a terrible boyfriend." Matt said before Mel could say anything. "I'm at the airport. Lucas and I have to fly over to Ohio, his dad just passed away and his mother decided to call him last night dropping everything on him at once. By the way thank you so much for everything yesterday. You and Mia are angels." He said this all in almost the same breath.

Matt took the moment to breathe. Mel waited, to see if Matt had anything to say or because he was busy processing everything.

"Ok." Mel said the word slowly which confirmed that he was processing. "Do you need me to come along?"

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