Chapter 17 ♥ Early Trouble

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I sighed in annoyance. I heard Chris chuckled and he lightly tapped my side signaling me to stop. If Miguel must know, its been in the head lines that Chris has a another baby.

"If you must know I'm his biological father." Chris said.

"Oh really now?"

Was that supposed to be an insult?

"Yeah, what's your connection with Tj?" Chris asked.

"I'm his biological father." Miguel said.

I almost choked. Did he say what I think he just said?

"Look, I don't know what Konie's been telling you, but from what I've seen, he's my child."

"Obviously I don't know what she's been telling you either."

Chris isn't the father? WAIT- WHAT?

"Look just give me Tj and we won't have any problems man okay? It's not like you're the legal guardian."

"Nigga you ain't the legal guardian either!" Chris said.

"And the problem you'll have is me!" I said eyeing the Miguel dude up and down. I was ready to pop that ass if I had too.

"How are you in this again?" Miguel asked.

"If you must know," I said stepping from behind Chris. "One, I'm his wife. So whatever happens with Chris happens to me, understood?"

"I hear you." He said sarcastically.

"Second," I said stepping up to him. "You're on my property so if you think you can come here with a shitty attitude you got life most definitely twisted." I gave him a look to clearly show him that my 5'5 height can take his ass down anytime. I might can't physically, but verbally I can most definitely do.

"I'm not afraid to put a bullet in your ass son." I said. I eyed him too and down. "How old are you?" I asked him he looks wayyy to selfish for Konie to even think about having kids with.

"That's none of your concern."

"Apparently it is if you think you tough." I said. I wanted to pinch a nerve in him.

"I never did say I was-"

"You didn't have to say its your body language." I said.

"Look, what does my age have to do with Tj-"

"First of all don't bring Tj in shit because Tj ain't your concern." Chris said stepping in. "What you should be worried about is getting the hell off my property and going on about your business because obviously you don't know what you're doing. You think you know, but you don't know-"

"What makes you think you know?!" The Miguel guy said squaring up to Chris again.

I pushed Chris back and swung at the Miguel dude punching him dead in his face making him shocked.

"What the hell-"

"Damn right what the hell, I'm fucking hell, hello bitch!" I said.

"Stacy, stop!" Lucia said pulling me back.

And the next thing I know, the Miguel dude started to hit on Chris causing both of them to get into a full blown fist fight. Lucia instantly let me go and I ran over to Chris and Miguel.

I have to admit, Chris was tearing that ass up, but I couldn't have him fighting. That's too much on him for to handle and I hate seeing my baby get hurt.

I pushed Chris out the way, and took matters into my own hands. I swung at Miguel again hitting his jaw and kicking him dead in his private parts making him fall before getting on top of him and punching g him dead in his face over and over again cussing his ass off saying all types of explicit language that I never thought I would say.

Can't Stop Loving You: Chris Brown (Book 2 )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang