Chapter 6

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Camila's POV

Y/N kept holding my hands, looking at me for an answer. I felt my cheeks getting red and warm. I look away from Y/N's eye because I didn't want her to see right through me. it's really hard trying to hide my feelings for her. you know what, who cares what anyone thinks. "Yes" I looked at her and said. She looked surprised then a huge smile spread across her face and I smiled back at her.

At work, I couldn't stop smiling all day but I never let Y/N saw me smiling. I can't give her that luxury of knowing how I feel just yet. I have been hurt too much in the past and just because Y/N is nice to me and treats me so well doesn't mean I should give her my heart just yet.

The last person I dated left me for another girl and had me wondering what I did wrong. Took me awhile to get myself back and figured out that I wasn't the problem. " Excuse me. Ms. Cabello?", a man with flowers in his hand said. "Yes", I replied. he handed me the flowers and left. I looked at the flowers wondering if there was a mistake. I saw a card in the side so I took it out and it was "can't wait for our date tonight. -Y/N. I smiled but quickly stopped when I saw Y/N coming. "I see you got the flower" she said. "yes, thank you but you didn't hav--", "Oh save it", she cut me off saying jokingly. I smiled. " We leaving here early today so put some meetings off until tomorrow. I wanna get outta her 5:30pm because I'm picking you up 7:30. that should be enough time cuz I know how you ladies get when it comes to getting ready", she said. I laughed " I do not take a longtime to get ready." "if you say sooo" she said walking to her office.

After work, Y/N drove us to her house as usually. she wanted to open the door for me when we got to her house but I didn't let her. I got out before she could and she tried to lift me up and put me back in the car so she could open the door but I tickled her and ran but then I looked back and saw her holding my purse with a smirking. I sighed a walked back. She smiled and handed it to me but pulled it back before I could take it. "you're letting me open the door for you tonight" , she said and gave me my purse. "fine", I said and took it. She smiled at me and walked me  to my car. She bent down to my car window after I got in then said dress fancy and I nodded and drove off.

 She bent down to my car window after I got in then said dress fancy and I nodded and drove off

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*your suit and Camila's dress*

Your pov

I watched as Camila drove off. I can't stop smiling. I'm so glad that I finally built the courage to ask her out. It's about time I did! Omg I'm so happy I did, I can't stop smiling. All day I've been smiling to myself. I'm glad she liked those flowers I sent her, bet she doesn't know I saw her smiling when she got them. I walked inside and went to my room to get ready for our date.

I finished getting ready then put my Rolex and my Calvin Klein cologne on. I walked out to the garage and decided that I'm not gonna use my work car so I got in my Mercedes-Benz and drove to Camila's house.

 I walked out to the garage and decided that I'm not gonna use my work car so I got in my Mercedes-Benz and drove to Camila's house

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   I got out my car then called her and told her that I was at the entrance of her apartment. A few minutes later I looked up from my phone and saw her exiting the building. I felt my eyes open and I was almost draw dropped then I started smiling. She looked absolutely amazing in that dress and I couldn't take my eyes off her as she walked up to me.

"you look beautiful", I said when she got to me. she smiled and said thank you. I opened the car door for her and couldn't help staring at her ass as she got in. I walked around to my side and drove us to a restaurant and I rented for the night. I also paid the owners to have it decorated with candles and make it look romantic.

At the restaurant, I couldn't stop looking at her during dinner. " So miss Cabello, since you're not my assistant tonight, I can ask you anything I want." , I said smirking. she giggled. It was the cutest thing ever. "Ask away", she said. "Ok. How come such a beautiful woman doesn't have someone?" I said. she looked down with a sad look then put on a brave face and looked up at me then told me what happened in her last relationship. she told me how she was cheated on and she blamed herself. I felt closer to her after she told me all that.

We talked some more and she told me about her parents and her little sister Sofia. We finished eating then I got up and stretched my hand out to her. " let's go", I said. "ok" she said and got up. We walked to my car and I opened the door for her, she got in and I closed the door then walked to my side.

"Where are we going because I know this is not the way home", she said then giggled a bit. "you'll see", I said.

A few minutes later we got there. "where is this?", she asked. I didn't say anything but smiled and got out the car and walked to her door to open it for her. She got out and I took her hand that felt so soft and warm then closed the car door. I saw her look down at our hands that were locked together. I walked us to the view on top of the hill we were on. "this is where I come to breath" I said. she looked at me surprised but in aw at the same time. "I had someone set this up for me", I said as we walked over to a table with drinks and dessert for us.

 "I had someone set this up for me", I said as we walked over to a table with drinks and dessert for us

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*the table*

"I know how much you love dessert so I couldn't take you to dinner and not give you dessert." she laughed. I pulled out the chair for her and she sat and so I did. "It was really nice of you to take me to a place like this", she said. I looked at her "I wanted this night to be special" I said. "do you take all the girls her?" she asked jokingly looking at me. I laughed then got serious and said: "No. you're the first person that I had ever brought her with me".

We finished eating our desserts and was staring at the view. I looked over at her, she looked so beautiful I could take my eyes away from her. she must have felt me staring because she looked at me then started blushing and looked away. I saw that she shivered a bit and I moved my chair closer to hers then I took my jacket off and put it around her then I held her hand and interlocked my fingers with hers.

"y/N", I heard her call my name and I looked at her. "This is nice. I enjoyed tonight", she said. I smiled and kept staring at her even after she looked away. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I can't hold back anymore I told myself so I used one finger to turn her head then I leaned in for the kiss and I kissed her soft lips. She didn't pull away this time so I deepened the kiss. when we both finally pulled away I rest my forehead on hers. I missed her lips and wants to kiss her again so I did. we stayed for a couple more mins to look at the view before I drove her home. I'm not the type to have sex with her on the first night I only kissed her goodnight when I dropped her off at her apartment.

Camila's Pov

I just got in my apartment and closed the door. I have never been on a date like that. Usually, when I hear people say a date is magical I usually wonder what the hell they are talking about but that date with Y/N just now was so magical and every time she kissed me I felt butterflies. I want her to kiss me again Right now, I miss her soft, warm lips. I walked into my bedroom and was about to take my dress off when I saw that I was wearing Y/N's jacket still. Shoot I forgot to give it back to her. it smells so nice though. I smelled it again. This is totally not weird I told myself. I took my make up off, change into a T-Shirt and got in bed. I wished this T-Shirt was Y/N's. I looked over at her jacket on the chair bit my lips got up to get it because I wanted to sleep with it. Why do I feel so excited to go to work tomorrow? 

where you belong (camila/you)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant