His Cruelty: Prologue.

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Who hadn't ever thought how great it would be to have a supernatural power, a ability that is only possible in books. The werewolf race had been around at the start of this planet, living amongst humans. Exposed and hunted, eventually the race became endangered and feared. No, the humans didn't fear us, we feared ourselves. Every second a werewolf dies, we have no way of fighting back. We became desperate for salvation until the day the last elder wolf saw a vision, a vision where werewolves will become extinct. 

Fearing for our lives, we took every mean to preserve and prevent anything happening. Then one day, an old tale which was once told started to arise, the Moon Goddess foresaw the dangers and knew that one day the race will end, and so she sacrificed herself to the moon. The goddess became the light that illuminates the earth and her creations during the full moon; granting them power and hope. Before the goddess sacrificed herself, she told a fellow wolf, the first she created a secret. Every wolf is destined to meet their mate, but that isn't all to it. The two can live happily ever after, or they can make a different decision. A cruel decision.

The rejection of a mate can empower the rejected mate's powers. However a severed bond which is only possible if either mate died can truly bring out the wolf's powers. 

Over the course of history, this story had been a myth and was often modified into a much tender and sweeter bed time story. Yet, through desperation, the original version of the story finally come out under the light. Now, the true mass destruction begins. Every remaining wolf is trying to meet their mate in hope to save themselves but the case often had been reverse or worse. Some couldn't handle killing their mate, some die for their mate but their mate usually follow them to the afterlife. 

Now, with only about two hundred of us left. The future of the werewolf race seems bleak. 

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