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"You're a terrible bowler."Stiles exclaimed as the Troublemaking Trio made their way through the door of the cafeteria and was out of earshot of the group of people that invited themselves to their table during lunch. "And, Sav, oh my God, how could you invite me without consulting me first?" He ranted, giving his female best friend a sideways glance.

"My apologies, your Highness." The McCall girl rolled her eyes as she spoke her sarcastic words.

"I know, I'm such an idiot." Scott agreed, only now seeing how stupid he was in telling the lie. Savannah nodded in agreement, barely stopping herself from asking,'You're realising this just now?'

"Okay, both of you stop." The female said, walking in front of her two best friends, placing a hand on both of their chests. "Smiley, I invited us with because there is no way I am going to be the third wheel. You are my date for the evening." She turned to her twin. "Scotty, the reason I invited myself and Smiley with you is because I will help you. Giving you pointers. With our new wolf powers, it shouldn't be too hard. Right?" Savannah explained to the both of them. Really, how hard could it be for Scott McCall to follow directions? The two males nodded.

"Yeah, but come on, Sav. It was like watching a car accident." The buzz cut boy pointed out and the girl shrugged with a nod.

"That's true. It was like something out of a really awkward action movie."She ignored Scott's glare to the side of her face as she and Stiles grinned at each other.

"First it turns into a four people date and after that comes that phrase from nowhere." The spastic boy rambles as the Troublemaking Trio walks down the halls of Beacon Hills High School.

"Hanging out..." Scott trails off, looking a little green.

"Yeah," The pale boy nodded. "And now it's a six person date. And you don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Well, Sav is hot." Stiles said thoughtfully, then he shrugged. "But she is our sister. And if you're hanging out, you might as well be the gay best friend. You and Danny could start hanging out." Stiles continued and the tan girl raised her eyebrows at her two greatest friends in the world.

"How did all of that happen? I maybe killed a guy, or maybe I didn't?" Scott said and at this point Savannah's mouth was hanging open as she stared at them in disbelief.

"I don't think Danny likes me very much." The pale boy spoke and the twin girl did double take. What did the Lacrosse Goalie have to with this conversation? And when did Stiles care what other people thinks of him? Save of course for one Lydia Martin. The thought left a sour taste in Sav's mouth.

"I asked Allison on a date and now we're hanging out. With Lydia, Jackson and you two." The male werewolf said and Savannah rolled her eyes, deciding to keep out of this conversation and tune out. Instead she thought about her oh-so-wonderful idea to invite herself and Stiles out on the double date with her brothers, Allison, Jackson and Lydia. Now, she could handle her brother's, Allison and Jackson. What she couldn't handle, is Lydia, as much as she would like to pretend otherwise. The green-eyed girl that smells like Peaches and Vanilla and gives her all sorts of funny feelings. She never knew what to expect from the strawberry blonde and it frustrates her to an infuriating degree. It also scares her, but she wouldn't admit that. Well, not out loud anyways.

Savannah was pulled out of her thoughts, by a yelling Stiles, "Am I attractive to gay guys?! You didn't answer my question."

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