Chapter one- This world never get's a break

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The Official beginning of this story

This story belongs to Sarah j.Maas I claim no ownership over the characters from her story or anything else. Only the plot.

Aelin pov

Flames kissed Aelin's cheeks as she stood burning before Maeve. Her eyes were full of death and hatred. She was the woman who kept Rowan locked up all these thousands of years and she regretted nothing.

She Deserved a thousand painful deaths to make up for all the suffering she has caused to everyone.

Aelin surveyed the battleground, making sure my flames and sword were keeping Maeve in check.

Rowan and Fenrys along with the rest of Terrasan's army were pushing the Valg army back from the castle wall .

Rowan was covered in black valg blood, grinning wickedly as he pushed past the fleeing valg, all of them combusting at once behind them from all his power.She turned back to the matter at hand.

I pointed Goldyrn at her throat "Do you have anything left to say cause soon your head will be rolling on the floor". Aelin started feeling magic at work but assumed that was her own magic trying to turn against her will and kill Maeve.

" It would seem to me that you think the victory is yours" Maeve snarled even as black blood started to pool out from the wounds inflicted by Aelin.

She gave no notice however as she stared straight at her. "shame really, I was wishing you would have liked to be my servant for eternity just like your dear Rowan was, then we would have lived happily ever after"

She grinned maniacally as black blood started to drip down from her eyes and mouth and face. Death was imminent for her.

Aelin herself started grinning as she raised goldyrn the hilt glowing with power "The only way we are going to have a happy ending" She swung "Is by creating a world that your not in".

All blood oaths that had been made had been severed from all fae. The massive jolt of change went through all the fae populated cities. The Fae cried and cried saying it was a god who gave mercy to them.

Maeve's body was on one side of the sword and the head on the other. "you know" She thought to herself

"That was a bit too quick for her". She was snapped out of her thought by Rowan, who was grinning like he proposed to her all over again.

She grinned back as she tried stepping away from the body.

"I Can't move!" She yelled frantically trying to check the ground for spells or wryd marks. "Hold on" Rowan yelled back

from grinning to sheer horror he moved over to her only to get blocked out. "Aelin I can't get in" he yelled pushing his magic against the barrier. His

magic was still no match for this dark magic though, as it was from valg magic. Rowan looked at the wryd marks in horror.

This was one of the most dangerous wrydmark that had been created, it was made for the last stand of a queen or king.

When all other methods don't work and they are at death's door, this is the last resort for them. This will send them through the world and eventually the enemies self combust.

This was known as the cowards move, as no one would choose to kill themselves with the enemy, but Maeve was not fair.

The fear in Rowan's eyes got worse when She tried to push against the barrier with her fire.She disappeared into a silver light, and when the dust settled she was gone. He fell to his knees and weeped.

Manon pov

The attack was going well. The ironteeth witches were surrounded by the crochans, they had the sheer number over them.

One of the Crochans noticed a stray tear on Manon's face but did not dare to comment, as Manon was as deadly with her sword as she was with her nails and fangs. The wind swept away the tear.

Manon needed to focus on the task at hand and had to leave behind the death of her 13. But she still couldn't forget the moment when her 13 had saved them by taking out the witch tower.

All of them combusting into the purest light imaginable Instead of the darkest power on the planet. She smiled, her 13 were different from the other witches after all.

" I hope you are reunited with your child and lover Asterin, I hope the stars will guide your way, and I hope one day I will meet you all again."

Another tear fell off her face as she steered Abroxas at the carnage.

Even through all the carnage she saw the fire that was full of hatred burn through the ground. The Ironteethed witch winced.

It had been pretty bad getting on Aelin's bad side, and she unfortunately had been there.

That had resulted in her getting buried under rubble and stones and had to have been dragged out by Aelin herself.

Even nerves of steel could not cringe at the fact that Maeve Queen of Doranelle and Queen of the fae themselves layed on the ground with her head on the other side of the blade.

The Queen of Terrasan had proven to be a very badass killer and Manon was glad that she was on her side, even with her being the Last queen of the Crochans.

But something was off, all of the nerves in her body were screaming at her to stay away, and it wasn't because of Aelin's power.

She looked down at Dorion Tearing enemies apart with his phantom hands. He didn't want to leave him, but Aelin was a great Queen,

one of the most important perhaps and needed to survive. " At least she owe's me another life debt" She murmured

"But I will have to see if I'm still alive when this ends". With that thought She dove at Aelin forgetting about any consequences. At that moment the light struck.

Dorion pov

It was probably a mistake on Dorion's part to wave at Manon in the sky even as her menacing nails and fangs were out she was still gorgeous. Her mesmerising golden eyes capturing him as she flew past.

His eyes followed her however and almost screamed at the sight he saw. Aelin was on the ground, stuck, as it seemed and held by some magic force.

And when the light passed through Aelin he screamed but his scream just amplified as he yelled at Manon steering Abroxas

towards it as Abroxas was buckling back from it. "What are you doing" Dorion screamed over the battlefield having had enough sacrifices today much less from his own lover

" I'm saving the queens ass what do you think I'm doing?" she yelled back a tinge of humor still in her voice

. " Your going to get yourself killed " He Screeched. Manon looked at him " Someone has to do it" (someone send me the Tadashi quote from big hero 6 I need it for this lol)

" I love you" she whispered as she dove into the light extending her arm towards Aelin and disappearing with her in a flash of fire and lighting

a smoky trail from where they had just been standing moments ago. With that Dorion fell to his knees as the battle continued to rage around him

, all of them mere whispers and shadows as the love of his life just left it as Sorscha did.

But unknown to him, they were not dead, not exactly anyway.

How was it? Bad? good? mediocre? terrible?

Tell me how to improve it in the comments.

I Actually had a lot of fun writing this and writing is one of my passions. Hopefully you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.

I appreciate any comments and views

First ever story- When Fire Meets Darkness at Ep 1

Tell me what to change please lol I know it's not that good

Veralis Writer- out

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