Step 11: When Are You Going To Let Go?

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Avoiding Bree was harder than I initially thought. I mean, when I was not avoiding her, it was pretty hard to ran into her by pure chance yet somehow when I actively decided I do not want to have anything to do with her, she is literally everywhere.

I mean can you imagine, she's the student council president, she does morning announcements, she's part of the debate team, like not just a regular member but one of their top contender, she's also part of the swim team, the garden team, and to top it all off, she's a cheerleader with straight A's and an overall average of ninety-seven percent in all her classes.

She is literally all over the school, she's in the cafeteria during breaks to oversee the bake sales, she's in the science department taking care of the plants, inside the intercom broadcasting important stuff, in every single one of our teacher's classrooms being their favourite student of all time, she's even in the gym practicing cheer routine.

Since when was she a cheerleader?

The only place she is not at is probably the roof of this place, but then again we don't have a rooftop in this school so that place is totally inaccessible, but I bet if it was, she'd be there too.

Quick update on the situation, it's been five days since I overheard Tony and Bree's betrayal. Also, it's been five days since I started dodging Bree which was not the easiest thing to do given the reasons I have presented.

But I have to give it to her though, imagine despite having that much on her plate, she still finds the time to be there for me like the true side kick she is meant to be. In fact, she beats every single side kick I have ever known by a large margin, what a true achiever Bree is.

Now if only she would stop trying to be the villain instead, this story would go much, much smoother. Plus, she does not seem to be all that bothered that I haven't been around her at all. Hello, I'm the best friend and protagonist, seriously how could she not feel my absence that ought to leave a huge gaping hole in her life?

She only texted me once! She literally just tried to reach out to me once! Inconceivable! Can you believe her audacity to just go on living her best life after what she did?

If I could, I would do the exact same thing Bree is doing, except I live inside you. I am literally you. So that is out of question.

And the voice is back. I think it might be a sign that I need more friends to talk to. It's a must at this point.

Now that Tony is always with this other girl he calls girlfriend, and with Bree being the new villain in my life, I need to find more allies to side with me. Or, I could be like Will Smith and be badass on my own. But that doesn't really suit me, I'm more suitable to roles that require underlings.

With my loneliness in mind, I found a new mission and headed to the mall to scout for talents. First stop, the theatre. I think a new horror flick just came out and I cannot wait to watch it. I bought snacks from the convenient store nearby and a large cup of bubble tea to sneak inside the theatre.

More than the movie, what I am really interested in is someone who isn't easily fooled by existence of ghosts and other worldly creatures. I am in search of a true sceptic, someone who would be a voice of reason, brave and would most definitely save my ass if the need ever arises; someone like Bree.

Oops, I mean someone not like Bree.

Doesn't Bree love a good scary movie?

People change. Now shut it, the movie is about to start. I replied to the voice in my head. I guess I should put up with it for now, until I find a new best friend, a real human to interact with, and maybe then this would finally go away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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