A flaccid murder

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     It was a chilly autumn day in November; you could faintly hear an innocent child stepping on a crunchy leaf in the misty distance. By now, cozy knit cardigans and pumpkin spice lattes have made a prevalent appearance throughout the Hollywood arts community. Sinjin thoroughly enjoyed this time of year, as he liked to admire and draw the colorful ever-changing leaves. Just as he was making the finishing touches to his most recent leaf painting, Courtney poured a bucket of mud over his sketchbook; coating it in a thick layer of grime that would be difficult to get off. "It's time to get to school, you moron!" she wailed, motioning towards the packed school bus parked outside their house. Sinjin discarded the muddy sketchbook as he sprinted towards it rapidly. The second he took a slimy step into the vehicle, he could hear an eruption of laughter coming from all sides. "SLIMY CRUSTY SINJIN LOOKING HOE SCUM!!" They mocked, jabbing their fingers in his direction. Sinjin put his head down, ashamed. "You got no friends Sinjin!" the bus driver smirked. She began to stand up, making way for Sinjin to sit in the driver's seat. Just as he was mournfully applying the bus driver's fluorescent vest, he heard a raggedy voice from the very back of the bus. "I'll take him." The entire bus simultaneously gasped, including the bus driver. "Someone wants to sit with me?" Sinjin questioned doubtfully. "Just get over here hoe," Rex said. Sinjin scurried excitedly to the back of the bus, chucking the unappealing bus driver's vest behind him. As the bus began to move again, Sinjin turned to his new pal, Rex. "Oh, thank you so so much!!" he gushed, placing his hand on Rex's shoulder in a friendly manner. Rex's skin was surprisingly damp, warm, and flaccid in contrast to Sinjin's cold, slimy, and crusty exterior. Wooly particles of flesh rubbed off of Rex and onto Sinjin's slender fingers. Particularly uneased by the whole situation, Sinjin rubbed the puppet skin cells onto his skinny jeans and changed the subject quickly. By the time the bus reached school, Sinjin had accidentally emptied Rex's bodily contents onto the bus floor. He nervously attempted to put the stuffing back into Rex, but by the time he had picked it all up, Rex was nothing but a lifeless husk of fabric. Sinjin frantically called for help as he rapidly performed CPR on the body. He held Rex's face to his, admiring his caring eyes. "I'm so sorry, Rex. I'm so so-", an EMT yanked Sinjin away from Rex, chucking him through the glass window harshly. Sinjin peered through his binoculars to see Robbie screaming in agony as he watches his best friend's remains be pulled into an ambulance. Sinjin gazed in horror as Rex's fabric parents rushed out of their car hurriedly and dropped their flabby knees to the pavement, shrieking "WHO DID THIS TO OUR SON!!" Sinjin guiltily sprinted away from the commotion as hot tears streamed down his face. His lowly heart sank into the bottom of his stomach, and Sinjin ended up coughing up blood into the road from guilt. In the distance he could see Rex's mother cradling her son in her arms, repeating "my little boy..." softly, over and over again. Chills ran up and down Sinjin's wimpy body as he realized; he had ruthlessly slaughtered his friend. Rex befriended Sinjin when nobody else would, and Sinjin replayed this selfless gesture by mercilessly taking his life full of potential. Sinjin imagined how monumental of an impact this is going to have on Rex's parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, neighbors, and friends. His mother's miserable wailing echoed through Sinjin's ears, driving him to hysteria. What use does Sinjin have on this earth? When you think about it he really is just a lifeless husk that cares for nobody besides himself. Not even one of the warmest, friendliest, and gentlest people Sinjin had ever had the pleasure of meeting. The only way he could really make anyone happy is by picking up a gun and sending a bullet through his skull. 

Lol what was that definitely not any reason to be concerned about me just vote for this chapter xoxxoxooxoxooxxooxoxo geep glop

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