
It's late January as Louis and Harry walk through the woods in their wolf form. Louis is jumping around, loving the snow. He acts like a puppy who is in snow for the first time, but Harry can just smile fondly at him.

"You know what?" Louis asks through their mind-link.

Harry tilts his head as they both stop, signaling Louis to continue talking. But instead Louis jumps at Harry, throwing him off-balance and into the snow. They start play-fighting, Harry not going too hard on the omega.

"You are one weak ass alpha!" Louis chuckles as he pinned Harry down.

The alphas eyes turn the slightest bit red as he growls lowly. With a little more force than he used while fighting with Louis he manages to turn the tables. Now he has Louis pinned down. Harry opens his mouth as he places it over Louis' neck. His teeth are touching the sides of the omega's throat, not hurting him. Louis moves his head with a small whine so Harry has more access to his throat, showing the alpha trust that he won't kill him, what Harry could by simply biting down.

Harry moves away, liking over the omega's throat and getting off him, standing again. He shakes his whole body to get the snow out of his fur. Louis sits up and starts to lick Harry's chin, a sign that he is lower ranked than the alpha. He does that for the first time and Harry's inner alpha is doing somersaults of happiness.

As Louis stops, Harry places his head on Louis. "I love you." the alpha says, making Louis' tail wag happily.

But Harry jumps up and gets in front of Louis protectively as the scent of another alpha - and omega - hit his nose. Louis behind him whimpers as he recognizes the scent as well.

Just a moment later two wolves step out of the trees, stopping in front of Harry and Louis. The omega moves to stand next to Harry, wanting to see what will happen next.

"What do you want?" Harry growls. Even though Jason got his punishment, Harry still doesn't want him around Louis.

Instead of answering, the omega - Nick - drops down on his stomach and starts crawling towards Louis through the snow.

"I'm sorry." the omega says. "I'm sorry for treating you so badly." he apologises.

Nick stops crawling as he reaches Louis, sitting up and doing the same thing he did to Harry - licking his chin, showing he subjugates to Louis.

"It's fine, Nick." Louis says, not wanting Nick to lick him - that's plainly weird. "While I appreciate that" Louis says as Nick steps back, looking at the white snow. "never do this again. That's weird."

Nick nods and moves back to Jason, who now steps forward, getting a warning growl from Harry. Louis nudges Harrys neck with his nose, telling him that it's okay.

"I wanted to apologize for what I did, Louis."

"You already did that." Louis notes confused.

"I know, but I can't apologize enough for that." Jason claims, so much sincerity in his voice as he bows his head in shame. "And I wanted to thank you." He looks back up. "Thank you for bringing Nick and I together."

Louis' tail wags at that happily. After he recovered from the Jason-incident he remembered what he told him. Jason said that Harry took Nick away from him and so the omega figured Jason fancied the omega. He talked to Nick about that - Nick thinking he is making fun of him and not believeing him. Nevertheless he went to talk to Jason and now they are mated.

"It's fine. I'm happy that I could help."

Jason and Nick bow their heads again before leaving. Harry looks at Louis fondly, who looks back, tilting his head.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now