Instinctively, you run over to Carl, basically doing a football tackle motion to the walker as you dive onto it, getting it off of him. This, unfortunately, puts you in a bad position, as instead of giving you the advantage of being on top of the walker like you had hoped, it is now hovering over your body, its mouth open and ready to attack.

You use all your strength possible to push it off of you, but it's not enough. Just as the weight and drive in this walker becoming overbearing, Carl plunges his knife into its head, allowing you to get up and escape from your near death.

"Let's go." Carl grabs your hand, forcing you to run with him in the opposite direction.

You two run as fast and as long as possible until you're both sure that you've escaped the walkers. While this is a tremendously good thing, now you are both hopelessly lost in the middle of the forest. Not only that, but the sky is only growing darker by the minute, and you can tell that it's going to start down pouring at any second now. Fantastic.

"We," You start out, taking a gasp as you struggle to breathe from the intense running. "Made it."

"Barely." Carl scoffs, his own breath heavy. "What the hell was that back there? You almost killed yourself!"

"I was saving your life!" You glare at him. "What else was I supposed to do? Let you die? Because I'm sorry, but I will not ever do that. If there's even the slightest chance I can save your life, I will."

"I could've handled it." Carl shakes his head.

"No, Carl, you couldn't have. Sorry if I'm hurting your big ego, but you would've died if I didn't help you back there. Be at least a little thankful." You roll your eyes.

You know you're being a little harsh, but it annoys you to no end that Carl is acting this way. Over the years, you two have gotten into plenty of arguments (cons of being best friends who are around each other constantly), so you're not afraid to say what you think anymore around him. If you think he's wrong, you're certainly not afraid to call him out on it, and vice versa. Only this time, the both of you think you're right.

"And you would've died if I didn't help you." Carl snaps. "Next time, just let me handle things."

"Oh my god, you're so annoying sometimes." You huff out. You hear a clap of thunder in the distance, a few raindrops following that sound. It all happens so quickly, and before you know it, it's raining on the both of you. Hard.

"We can finish this fight later, we need to find shelter!" Carl calls out to you over the loud rain, lightning flashing in the distance.

"'We can finish this fight later'... Ridiculous." You mumble under your breath, knowing he won't hear you.

You and Carl run around for a good while in an attempt to find something that will provide shelter that isn't a tree. After some time, and some praying that you won't get hit by lightning, you two stumble across a small log cabin, tucked away in the trees. Neither of you wastes any time running inside, grateful to be some place dry.

The cabin has obviously been ransacked through, and there was for sure no more food or anything left, but it'll work while you're waiting for the storm to pass. There was still a couch and a bed, as well as plenty of blankets and pillows.

"I'm fucking freezing." You shiver as you kick off your wet boots, setting them by the door. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take these clothes off."

"You're what?" Carl's eyes widen at your words.

"We're both going to get hypothermia if we don't take off our wet clothes. It's cold. Don't worry, there are blankets. We can still cover up while we wait for our clothes to dry." You offer. You and Carl have never really seen each other in that state of undress before, so for you two to be practically naked in front of each other is slightly awkward.

Carl grimes imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें