XXXI. You Better Batter Up

Start from the beginning

Scott picked up Aiden by his shirt collar, and slammed into the locker behind him. His eyes glowed red, and his canines en-longed. Of course Scott was idiotic enough to growl in the hallway full of students.

"Don't ever talk about her that way!" He yelled in Aiden's face. Scott didn't like when other people admire what's his- or was. It didn't matter if he and Camie were together at that moment or not. He wasn't gonna listen to other guys check her out. Although he questions too what's gotten over her. But deep down Scott McCall knew exactly what.

Jackson had murdered Camille's mother, and if that doesn't set someone off the rails, he didn't know what would.

Later into the day, Camie hasn't spoken to any of her friends. Looking like she busy into her studies, she was actually devising a plan to kill Liam and his pack, target Liam and Jackson.

Scott, and the rest of his pack knew they had to figure out what's going on with Camille. Scott had informed them on what's the cause of it all. And it took a major toll on Lydia, but she was being strong for Camille.

"Hey, um what are you up to?" Scott sat across from her. He wasn't gonna lie, she did look good.

" Figuring out a way to kill Liam and Jackson, how about you?" Camille was blunty honest and smiled 'sweetly' at her ex-boyfriend for about a second and went back to her planning.

Scott tried to get a look at what she was writing in her tablet. It hadn't looked like words.

" Can I see this?" He reached over to take it from her to take a closer look, and that's where he went wrong. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it back. A shrill of pain escaped Scott's lips, sending everyone's attention towards them. Still holding onto his wrist, Camille pulled Scott to his feet, sneaked her foot behind his, and roughly pushed him against his chest. His back impacted the ground hard, the cafeteria sounded with a 'oooooooh' from the students.

"Please don't touch my stuff." She whispered into his ear before walking away, with, once again, everyone's attention.

Scott watched as she swayed her hips, and fiercely made her way through the staring crowd. He wasn't embarrassed that his human ex just kicked his butt. He beyond worried and even a little terrified that darkness was taking her pass returning point.


Chris Argent was informed about good girl gone bad, and had worried. He remembers Allison's phase similar to Camilles. When Allison's mother, Victoria, dead due to a werewolf bite and her following code, and not to mention her grandfather,Gerard's, brainwashing, Allison had took a turn for the worse and had become someone completely different. But Allison had thought Derek had purposely bit her mother which led her to her suicide, and soon enough Allison was back to herself. But Camille knows Jackson killed her mother.

Chris hadn't been this worried in awhile, and he knew he to figure out a way to bring her back before it was too late, befofe she became like Gerard.


Tuez tous.

 "What does it mean?" Scott found a piece of paper that had fallen out of Camille's tablet. It had those to two words written all over it, and right away he identified it as french.

Chris stood there, and a single tear rolls down his cheek,

"We're too late." He shook his head back and forth, and crumples the paper.

"Tell me what it means! It isn't too late." He slighty raised his voice, but Chris was unable to speak. Allison snatched the paper from her father's hand and read it to herself. She let out a sigh. And understood what her father meant.

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