"We Have Always Been Together"

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A/N: I apologize for the long wait for an update. Writer's block has been quite the adversary. I hope you continue to enjoy Nessa's story.

Lucca stared down at the ring resting softly on his palm. It was gold with five glimmering diamonds.

Five diamonds

Five different lives.

Lucca knew it was time to reveal the truth to Nessa.


The soft brush of lips on her cheek was what woke Nessa from her sleep. As the blurry world came into focus, the dazzling crimson of Lucca's eyes greeted her.

"Lucca?" Nessa mumbled still trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. A smile forms on his face as his hand gently cups her cheek.

"Nessa, I have missed you so much," Lucca rasped before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Nessa's eyes widened at the sudden kiss and she quickly tried to shove him off her. Her wrists were almost fully healed, but it still hurt.

"Lucca, what are you doing?" Nessa hissed, "You can't just kiss me!"

"Yes, I can!" Lucca snapped back grabbing her by the shoulders. The ferocity in his eyes scared Nessa.

"Lucca, you need to leave. Sinbad could return at any moment. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I don't want you to get hurt! Iona told me about these." Lucca whispered gently gathering Nessa's wrists in his hands.

"I fell, Lucca. He didn't hurt me." Nessa tried to explain. Lucca shook his head.

"He lied to you. He sees you as nothing more than an object to possess."

Nessa grew silent and just gazed at her childhood friend.

"Lucca, why are you here?"

"To give you this," he murmured slipping a ring on her left hand. Nessa's mouth fell open and remained there even when Lucca rose from the floor to take a seat on the bed next to her. He once again gathered her hands in his and rested them in his lap.

"Lucca, wha..."

"Please just listen," Lucca interrupted, "You and I have always been together. This ring is a symbol of the eternal love we share. Each of those diamonds represents a life we have lived together. This is our sixth rebirth."

Nessa's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Lucca and she had been reincarnated six times. She admitted that the feeling of the ring on her finger felt familiar and right. Lucca's right hand released its hold on Nessa's to glide up along her arm and curl around her neck. With slight pressure from his hand, Nessa's forehead leaned forward to touch his. She watched as Lucca's eyes closed for a moment.

"Nellie. Your name was Nellie. In our first life, I was a wealthy merchant known as Lucian. I sailed around the world for my work and that was how I met you and your father. Your father was one of my best customers.

I was older than you at the time and your father was very much against a relationship between us," Lucca paused to let out a light-hearted chuckle, "I of course had already fallen in love with you at first sight. You were such an innocent soul curious about the world. I made sure to bring you a gift from each of my trips. I was finally able to marry you and together we traveled across the seas. It was one of these trips that I gave you this ring, and when I gave it to you I promised we would always be together even after death. It was not long after that my ship was caught in a massive storm and we perished along with the rest of the crew."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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