Kate Valentine

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© Joanna Bock 2013 All Rights Reserved.

 KATE walked into work the same as any other day. She was tired of her boyfriend and his constant nagging and it was a place to retreat into her thoughts and imagine a life where she was the princess.

She was a bakery assistant and the only princess life for her was the princess cookies she had baked hours ago that waited to be iced in the racks behind her. She took another tray of doughnuts’ from the cooling rack and piped cream into them before she walked into the cool room sliding them into the racks to be sold in the shop for the day. There were rows and rows of cakes biscuits and slices ready to load into the counter display windows.

Kate creamed another two trays of doughnuts placing them into the store. The first of the morning customers were already coming in for their famous hot morning bakers treats including the feta and pumpkin bread that was their signature loaf.

“I would also like one of those soft creamy buns that pretty young girl over there is holding as well.”

Kate turned catching the eye of the one who had just refereed to her as the pretty young girl. He was so handsome and the way me watched her and smiled caused her to moan a little even if it was only in her head. She smiled back it was a little contagious really. The way he watched her made her self conscious about the way she must have looked. Kate knew on any given day there would be flour in her hair or a little icing on her face.

Kate realised she was still holding the tray of cream buns as she stared at him. She fumbled with it suddenly, looking for a place to place it in the racks. She slid the tray into the shelving before turning back to him for one last look before she ran out the back door.

Kate stood against the wall just out of view of the customers in the store and smiled. He was so nice to look at and the moment she had he had stolen her breath. Kate smiled again pushing her hand against her heart before she peeked back into the bakery store He was just collecting his purchases from the counter and she ducked back just as he looked up at the door she peeked though. He looked thoughtful as if he was thinking of an idea to implement a plan or strategy.

Haley burst though the back door then colliding with Kate in the process.

“He was so quick to want your name. Hell he even wanted your number Kate.”

Kate stared in utter shock. “No__ Please tell me you didn’t.”

“I never gave him your number, what do you think I am. Mental? He could be a nut case for all I know.

“But he knows my name though?”

“Um yeah__ sorry.”

The following afternoon a dozen white roses turned up just as Kate was getting ready to leave there was a card attached with a ribbon


Such beauty,

May I see you this Friday?


Kate stared at the card. “Jay,” She whispered smiling. She wasn’t sure she would see him again though. She wasn’t anything she had no money for dinners and movies and she wouldn’t let him pay. It was just her principles’

She would pay her way in the world or just not go into it.

Kate took the flowers and placed them into a large jug she would normally use for measuring large amounts of liquids for the baking and placed them on the top of the display cabinet on the back wall in the shop taking the card for her.

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