Chapter 1 : Evil

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Beep Beep Beep

"Oakley, turn off yo' damn alarm clock it's gonna wake the whole damn neighborhood!"

"You know what else is gonna wake the neighborhood? Yo' screamin' when I hit you! Now shut the hell up!"

Sorry for that. "Let me introduce myself" I'm Oakley Ann Archives and today is my last day livin' in Dallas Texas along with my twin brother Chase Bryan Archives and Dad Joshua Bryan Archives. My brother and I are known as the A, Archives, or Arch twins 'round here in Texas. Who's older? Him. Who's smarter? Me. Do we have twin telepathy? Nah, but we do get sick at the same time, feel each other pain, sometimes, and know what each other are talking about just by looking at on an other. Okay, now that I said that maybe we might I don't know...Anyway moving on.
Who's the evil one out of us you ask? Ha, I ain't gonna lie just wait for it.

"Daddy Chase is bein' mean again." I yell fakin' my hurt as I get dressed.

"Chase, how many times do I gotta to tell you stop pickin' on your sister." My dad's voice echoes from down stairs up them.

"But dad I-" my brother gets cut off.

"I don't wanna hear it Chase!" Dad yells I as I stand against my door frame now fully dressed and with a smirk on my face just as my brother walks out of his room.

"You're pure evil." He whispers to me.

"I know." I flip my blonde hair and skipping off to the kitchen. What did I tell y'all I'm evil.

"Mornin' dad." I kiss him on the cheek then stuff a piece of toast in my mouth.

"Mornin' sunshine." My dad says as my brother comes down the stairs into the kitchen. "Good, your both down I'm glad I won't have to explain it twice. Now y'all know it's are last day here in Texas But I still want y'all to treat it like it's a normal day 'cause it is all we're doin' is movin' and that's it. Nah doin' anythin' stupid." He give us both a stern look.

"Yes dad." We both answer.

"Good, now off to school." I shove the last of my toast in my mouth before headin' outside and driving to school with my brother.

When we get to school our friends came up to us and we hung out my the car till the bell for first block but when it does it seems like classes fly by so fast till it's lunch.

"Why can't you just live with me?" My best friend Hannah asks me.
"We went over this before. My dad got a new job as a coach so we have to move. I can't stay with you 'cause your house is to full already."

"We can kick one of my sibling's out out." She suggest.

"I'm pretty sure you mom and dad would not appreciate you kickin' out your little siblings."

"Your right," she sighs in defeat "I'm gonna miss you." she smiles sadly.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur, just like the start of it.

Getting home I saw my dad was packing the rest of the boxes into the bed of his black 4x4 Chevy silverado. "Hi dad."

"Hi sunshine, where's your brother?" He ask closing the tailgate to the truck. I just point to the intense make out in the truck behind me. "Go get the blow horn and the megaphone would ya sunshine."

"Nah problem dad." I answer back with an grin on my face before I walk into the house droppin' my bag at the front door and going to the kitchen I grab the mega phone and blow horn off the counter. Why do we have such items lyin' around you ask? Well you shall see.

I walk back to my dad with both requested items in my hands. I give him the megaphone with a grin still on my face.


"Oh yea." I turn to the truck coverin' one of my my ears with my hand the other exposed, my dad covers both his ears. Pressin' the button at the top the at the top of it makin' a loud blarin' noise run through the air scarin' Chase and his new victim. Lettin' go of the button and immediately
My dad turns on the megaphone and starts to talk into it. "Chase Bryan Archives, why are you playin' with that poor girls feelin's? You ain't comin' back to Texas."

Chase's jaw drops open and he turns to look over at the girl at him and once she's done she jumps the truck, with a slam of the door stompin' away.
My dad and I just laugh while he gives us the death glare but only for a few seconds till he laughs along with us.

"Do y'all have to do that every time a girl is with me?" He asks gettin' out of the car closin' the door behind him.

"Yes." Both dad and I say still laughing.

"Okay, now to be serious. We need to get this show on the road. There are a couple pictures in the house still on the hallway walls but other than that the movers should be at the new house by Monday it about..." He trails off typing on his phone for a second "21 hours and 15 from Texas to North California," he shows us the statistics on his phone. "so we can drive full way or we can stop after drivin' about ten hours an a half hours but it's up to you both y'all. I'm goin' ta get the pictures and y'all decide." He Chase and I for confirmation so we both nod our head.

"I say we stay at the hotel about half way through." I propose.

"I say go the whole way just to get it over with cause I don't wanna drive two days in a row."

"It's dangerous to do it that way Chase we will all be hungry, tired, and grumpy. To travel for the a whole amount of time we 21-22 hours in a row isn't safe we might get into an accident."

"You're right." He admits defeat just seconds before dad walks back out with one last box and my bag in hand.

"So y'all decide yet?"

"Yea we should stop for a night then leave at an early time in the mornin' so we can be there around evenin' time." I suggest

"When did we decide that whole thing?" Chase asks like the idiot he is.

"Well Chase if we stop for the night that's what we are gonna have to do." I say in a duh tone.

"Ohhh...pshh I knew that." He flicks his wrist in dismissal.

"Sure ya did." I roll my eyes.

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