Part I - Awareness : the dangers of self-neglecting

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Changing your life , starts by a realization that things can't keep unfolding the way they do . It all starts by the decision to allow yourself to be respected honored but more importantly cared about by YOU . However, So many of us  ,let our ego trick us into thinking that we don't deserve this attention and care ,but this my friend is a LIE .

Don't let your ego , win , don't let him take the lead because you have decided that this game is over and you will no longer let anyone separate you from your truth : that is love and light . 

Self-neglecting starts by the little drop creating an ocean , and I have been there . It seems like it doesn't matter , takes too much time or effort but the rewards are endless !You owe it to yourself let's stop self-,neglecting and start to be self-caring daily . NO more LIES or EXCUSES my friend !

15 Habits of Daily self- care !Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora