Chapter 4

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Once the boys had settled themselves in the dorm after coming in and quickly taking off their shoes, Chloe ushered them to all sit on the couch. Some of the boys had to be moved to the floor since their couch was not the biggest.

Chloe watched them all wrestle for a spot. She cleared her throat and all of their heads snapped towards her.

"Please find a spot that is comfortable and stay there." Chloe said getting impatient. The boys quickly sat down anywhere that was free.

Chloe exhaled then stood infront of the twelve boys. "As you all know, I am Manager Black. I was called here to be your manager end of story." She said sternly looking each of them in the eye. "I am not here to be anything else than your manager. I expect you all to work hard for your debut. If you need anything make sure to really think about what your problem is before you come to me." Chloe added. After she saw the look of nerve in each of the boys eyes, Chloe turned to leave.

"Manager Black!"

Chloe turned around to face Suho. He was now standing as he kept his gaze on Chloe. He held a smile on his face as he stepped forwards.

"Don't you want to know who we are?" He asked. His smile grew on his face as he looked at Chloe.

She blinked a couple times looking at this boy. He was short, not too short, but a nice short. He had kind eyes and a look that gave Chloe goose bumps.

Tearing her gaze away from the member, she sat down in a chair and looked at the group. "Fine. Please don't take too long." She said.

All the boys smiled and straightened up. "1 2 3! Hel- "

"Yes I know that part! Just skipped to who you all are." Chloe snapped.

The boys looked at eachother then back at Chloe. She gave them a 'go on' kind of look.

Finally one stepped forward. He had a chubby face and looked to be the shortest... And youngest by the looks of it.

"Hello. I am the eldest of EXO. My name is Kim Minseok. You can call me Xiumin if that is more comfortable with you." He said folding his hands behind his back.

Chloe choked on her spit. Oldest? He did not look it. He had a lot of baby fat on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Kim Minseok." Chloe said nodding her head towards him.

Xiumin smiled slightly and stood back as another member stepped forward.

"Hello Manager Black. My name is Luhan. I am at your service." Said this member sending Chloe a flirtatious wink. She almost gagged at this. Though this boy was mighty fine, she could tell that she should keep her distance.

She nodded as another stepped forward. This one was tall with a poker face.

"I'm Kris. Nice to meet you." He said nodding to Chloe then stepping back.

Chloe looked at the next member but found him staring off into space. She was about to get up and approach him, but Kris quickly nudged the member and he quickly regained his thoughts. He stepped forwards quickly and smiled sweetly.

"It is nice to meet you Manager Black. My name is Lay but my real name is Yixing. Please take care of me!" He said with a smile showing his dimple.

Chloe cracked a smile. This one was precious. He seemed like someone who was confused often but was very kind.

Chloe put a serious look back on her face as the next member stepped forwards after Lay.

"Hello Manager Black! I am Byun Baekhyun! It is so nice to meet you!" This member said skipping forward and quickly snatching Chloe's hand giving it a quick peck.

Chloe snatched her hand back. "Um... Thank you." She said sitting on her hands. This one seemed childish. Probably the annoying one.

Before Baekhyun stood back in line, he flashed Chloe a large smile. The next who stepped forwards was short with a sweet smile. He held his hands behind his back as he shyly walked out of line.

"Hello Manager Black. My name is Kim Jongdae. I hope you will take care if us!" He said sweetly but with a hint of loudness in his voice.

Chloe's lip twitched. He was sweet. A nice smile was spread on his face as he stepped back into the line.

The next to step forward made Chloe flinch. He made sure to make himself seen but he could clearly be seen hence his height. This boy seemed to never stop smiling like he was happy twenty four seven.

"Hello Manager Black! My name is Park Chanyeol and I can't wait to work with you!" He said rather loudly. Chloe nodded sticking her right pointer finger in her right ear. She was probably going to go deaf by the time this mission was over.

The next to step forward changed the mood. He wasn't smiling nor did he seem like he wanted to be introducing himself. "My name is Kyungsoo, better known as D.O." He said, his lips forming a thin line.

Chloe nodded. This one seemed like he didn't have the energy like his last two members. His face showed no emotion but Chloe knew better. She could tell that he cared a whole deal about his members and his occupation.

He stood back in line as the next stood forward. This one looked like he wanted to be tough but was failing and was actually as violent as a marshmallow.

"Hello Manager Black, I am Tao. Nice to meet you." He said and stood back in line.

The next member who stood forward made Chloe do a double take. This one was a good looking specimen.

"Hello! I am Kim Jongin. Also known as Kai. It's really nice to meet you Manager Black." Kai said with a shy smile.

He stood back in line.

The next stood forward. He, as some of the other members, had a poker face.

"Hello, my name is Oh Sehun. Nice to meet you." He said with a slight smile and stood back in line quickly.

As Sehun stood back in line, she looked over at the last member who hadn't introduced himself. He had been the one who had caught Chloe's attention in the first place.

Kim Junmeyon.

He stood forward keeping eye contact with Chloe.

Chloe felt as if it was getting harder and harder for her to breath.

"Hello, I am the leader of EXO. Suho." He said softly as he smiled sweetly at Chloe. He moved forward and reached out his hand to shake hers.

Without thinking, Chloe reached out her hand and grasped Suho's. They stayed shaking hands for about ten seconds.

Chloe looked down at their hands noticing how long they had been holding on to eachother. She quickly took her hand back and cleared her throat.

"Alright. Now that introductions are out of the way, it's time for bed we have to wake up early tomorrow." Chloe said standing up.

"Yes Manager Black!"


Oof. Sorry about not uploading for like a week. School sucks ya know. Hope each of you are doing well🤙

~ Frankie

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