Start from the beginning

we finally made to the venue for my party, and when i walked into the room i almost started balling then and there.  It was so pretty in their , the colors, the decorations.. i love..

 i love

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we didn't know what we were having and we were waiting until i go into labor to find out so we told everyone to buy gender neutral clothes so we wouldn't have to return too much stuff. we walked in to be greeting buy our friends and some family which was nice.  i looked around to just take it all in and to see that i was truly blessed with some awesome people to call my friends and some i consider family.  i started to get teary eyed as i looked around. 

Mark was by my side before a tear could drop from my face. "babe you okay.?" he said looking at me with concern. "yeah.. yeah i am fine. i'm just very happy is all." i answered while wiping my tears away.  I looked up at him and smile then gave him a peck on the lips as we went back to the festivities and fun.

The party came to an end before we knew it and with the help from everyone we got all the gifts home safely and we said our goodbyes and went into our home to start putting things away and then get some rest.  Once we got 1/3 rd of the gifts put away we decided to do the rest later, the boys have their korean leg of the tour coming up so mark won't be home very often so we need to take this time to spend time together. 

Once we got mj to bed we decided to lay down for bed as well. being pregnant is so tiring. I snuggled up to mark  as soon as i laid down. "how is my favorite girl doing" he asked as he kissed my forehead. "she's exhausted and ready to drop this load." i answered as i rubbed my belly. "oh hush , you're okay. im here if you need anything you know that. " he said as he pulled me closer. we sat and talked until we both lost our fight with sleep. 

------------------------------------------- 4 HOURS LATER-------------------------------------------------------

i was awaken by a sharp pain in my side. i ignored it at first but then it got stronger and i couldn't take it anymore.  "Mark....Markkkkk." i whispered as i shook him awake. "mmmm" is all that came out his mouth. i shoved him one more time and a little too hard cause i pushed him completely off the bed. he landed with a loud thud. 

His head popped up quickly and he looked quite confused that he was on the floor.  "Babe i think the baby is coming." i said.  He hopped up quick asf and ran over to my side of the bed. "are you sure." he asked as he took my hand to help me out of bed.  i nodded as i threw the comforter off me i noticed that my side of the bed was wet.  " oh shxt my water broke we gotta go. " i said  as i ran into the closet to grab the hospital bag , a jacket and slippers. mark went to get mj and put him in the car.  

once we were all in the car i sent our friends some voicemails and or text to tell them that we were heading to the hospital.  once there we got check in and put into our room to prepare the arrival of our baby. slowly but surely our friends started to show up one by one.  some came in to say hi and to see how we were doing. 

Labor was moving along slowly so we had gabbi and yugy take mj home with them until his sibling was born. hours and hours progressed and the pain got worse. i just wanted to see my baby and for pain be over.

After hours of contractions and pushing our bundle of joy graced us with their prescence.

                                                           EVERYONE MEET 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄

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                                                           EVERYONE MEET 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄

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