A halloween special

Start from the beginning

Mae blushed, "Thanks Bulma. Okay kids let's go!" She turned on her heels in a hurry, determined to leave before her face turned anymore red.

They hurried off going to different houses as Goten and Trunks collected candy. They seemed to be having a fun time and many people gushed over their costumes. "Oh wow even your parents dressed up!" One lady said. Mae and Gohan both became flustered as they explained that they were siblings which only made the lady laugh. As they continued on it started to get dark and they walked through a park.

"Hang on you guys," Mae said as she noticed a shadow in the bushes. "Go on ahead without me. I'll catch up."

"Okay well don't take too long." Gohan nodded to his sister and steered the boys off to a neighborhood on the other side of the park.

"Hello little one. Are you okay?" She carefully approached a little girl who was softly crying next to the bushes.

"I'm scared and I can't find my mommy," she said softly between tears. She was dressed as a cute little ghost.

"My name is Mae and if you show me where you last saw her I can help you," Mae reached out a hand to the girl.

"It's too dark and I'm scared!" She started to tremble harder.

Mae glanced around the dark park, there weren't any people around. "Want me to show you a cool trick?"

The little girl looked up at Mae and nodded. Mae then went to super saiyan! The energy that was coming off her also gave a nice light. The little girl lit up at Mae. "Woah! You are glowing and your hair is so gold!"

"Hehe just a little trick I have. Now what is your name?" Mae offered a hand to the little girl.

"I'm Emma. Can you really help me find my mommy?" Emma took her hand and Mae lifted her into her arms.

"I sure can. Why don't you show me where you saw her." Mae carried the girl walking towards the direction Emma pointed.

When they got near the entrance of the park there were more lights so Mae let her aura go but keeping her golden hair. Emma was amazed by how Mae was able to change her hair color like that. They saw a woman who appeared to be panicking. "Emma! Emma! Where are you?!" She cried out.

"Mommy!" Emma yelled as Mae put her down. She walked briskly towards them as the girl ran to her mom.

"Oh Emma there you are! I was so worried!" The mother embraced her daughter and turned to Mae. "Thank you for finding my little girl!"

Mae smiled softly and said, "it was no trouble at all. Now Emma stay with your mom this time." Emma hugged Mae's legs and thanked her with a huge bright smile. Mae couldn't help smile back at the little girl and gave her a pat on the head.

She turned back to the dark park and let her hair go back to black. She could feel Gohan's energy coming from the other side. She had never been afraid of the dark so walking through the park wasn't a problem. Suddenly someone grabbed her shoulder. She turned her head, a strange man was standing behind her and she could sense another man nearby.

"It would be wise of you to let me go," she said cooly.

"You're awfully cute. I would hate to see something bad happen to you." The man tightened his grip on her.

"Last warning. Let me go before I make you." She growled at the man.

"Oh a cute kitten like you ain't gonna do shit." He laughed and turned to his friend. "You hear this chick?"

"Fine have it your way." Mae grabbed his arm and before the man could blink he was on the ground. Still holding his arm she twisted it backwards. She dodged the other mans attack as he sliced at her with a knife. Bringing her leg up she kicked him square in the stomach bringing him down to the ground. "Next time think about it before you decide to attack someone." She let them go and walked off to meet her brother.

"Hey Mae! I was about to come check on you. I felt you go super saiyan." Gohan said as she approached.

"There was a little girl who was afraid of the dark so I helped her find her mom." Mae shrugged. She left out the part with the thugs. She didn't need Gohan going back there to beat them up. "So we should head to the party now."

"Look at our haul Mae!" Trunks said as he and Goten ran up to show her their candy.

Mae smiled and they flew back to Capsule Corp. The party had already started when they arrived and it seemed that most everyone was wearing a costume. She smirked as she landed seeing that Vegeta had been coerced into wearing what appeared to be a vampire costume. The only ones who weren't in costume were Goku and Piccolo.

"Dad you didn't dress up!" Gohan said walking to his father.

"I didn't think I needed to!" Goku laughed.

Mae casually walked to Vegeta, "soo," she started to say before Vegeta cut her off.

"One word and I will destroy you." He scowled which only made Mae laugh.

"Mae thanks for taking the boys out!" Bulma said joining them.

"Oh sure. I still think they could have gone themselves but it wasn't so bad." Mae looked up and smiled at the star speckled sky.

"Hmph," Vegeta turned and walked to get some food.

"Hey Mae! It's been awhile!" A man whom Mae didn't recognize came up to her.

"I'm sorry who are you?" She tilted her head trying to remember who he was.

"It's me Yamcha," he sounded defeated. "I'm friends with your dad."

"Ohh yea, hey. Oh look I better go say hi to Videl." Mae said awkwardly as she shuffled away.

She made her way through the party greeting people as she passed. She saw 18 and Krillin and their little daughter, Tien and Master Roshi were there too. Even Lord Beerus and Whis came to join the festivities. When she got to her sister in law she gave her a quick hug and then reached for her niece who flew right into her arms.

"Mae, looks like Pan really missed you!" Videl laughed.

"Yea it would appear so!" Mae giggled throwing the small saiyan into the air.

"Hey Mae! You are dressed as a cat!" Goku smiled at her. "Make sure you get some food before Lord Beerus eats it all!"

"You should have dressed up," Mae laughed as she handed Pan back to Videl.

"To be honest I forgot it was Halloween!" He put an arm behind his head.

Mae laughed and sat down filling her plate with all sorts of delicious foods. She didn't realize just how hungry she was until now. They spent the rest of the night enjoying food and company. This Halloween turned out better than she expected.

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