The Last Bloom becomes the first Bloom

Start from the beginning

Wow so far my life seems dull, but my friendship area is starting off badly. Due to my height as well as my chest area, my mom wanted me to have surgery and look into modeling. Then after getting focus on that, work for her company. That way it would gain attention and more people would want to work with us. There were two possible clients that had approached my mom's company as well as my dad's company. My mom's company was in charge of media for various clothing brands and designers in general, also promoting musicians who would wear the clothing/jewelry. My mom wanted to add actors and actresses to the company to expand even more. My dad's company was a typical technology company except they had a fool proof clean energy source that was slowly taking over the country, most of his clients were overseas. One of the the clients, Haia was in the process of closing the deal on artwork for advertising. But she thought if she went with a company, it would give her exposure and allow for bigger things to come. The other client, Sanako was what you call sad. Sad as in everything she did was cringe, the cat ears in public followed by screeching at every food item she saw. Now I am not being too harsh here, but once I tell you of my brief encounter with these two you may see the cringe for yourself.

At this point, I am reaching twenty years old and I somehow manage to finish college earlier than expected. I am doing a double internship at my mom and dad's company. I meet the two girls I mentioned, we became fast friends. It was a crash and burn friendship. We did almost everything together and for one whole year I got to experience a real friendship. I'm not sure what Sanako said, but all hell broke loose on my birthday the following year. It was a high key event I wanted no part of, people from various companies were there followed by a handful of classmates from high school and college. Sanako and Haia stormed angrily into the party, Haia stepped forward before everyone. "Kasumi go kill yourself! You have done nothing but lie lie lie and now you have the nerve to stand before everyone flaunting these lies. I risked all that I had to put good faith in both companies. Instead I was made out to be a fool. I don't want to hear it but you better keep the fuck away from me."screeched Haia. Now I have no clue what the fuck happened, I do know however that when somebody tells you to go kill yourself you know you want nothing to do with them ever again. Or so I thought. Haia began spreading my picture along with bullshit lies all over the place, people avoided me and really assumed I was going to talk to them. Sounds childish I know, but the only thing I could do was ignore them. If people want to believe in bullshit and lies that's them, I on the other hand was developing a mental issue. Apparently depression, which is where things really kick off.

Haia and Sanako were really on a roll with the lies, I guess that's why I had slit my wrists. My parents had been doing damage control since the start of the situation and when the suicide attempt happened....the lies were exposed. Haia still had a nasty attitude towards the situation, but Sanako crumbled like the weak person she was. I mean the girl went around in cat ears in public showing the world her drawings of two animals having sex. Then she went shove people out of the way to get where she was going and would leave a nasty hand print on them consisting of her sneeze. Then she had tried hide her past when approaching my parent's companies. She had shoved a porn idea all the damn time in front of companies to get herself noticed. But her attitude, drawings, habit of gossiping and her overall attitude made it impossible for her to be taking seriously. The really bad part, when the suicide incident happened it turns out she had killed her parents around 17 years old and three other friends. She lived in an area where such a thing was easy to go unknown to the world. The three friends she had killed, they really didn't have family. Haia was suppose to be the next victim once things took off for her. Get the money and make up a cover story, that was the game plan. Once again back in the courtroom this was exposed. Haia was shocked and that changed her right there I think. The judge had ordered a seven year prison sentence and a technology ban. She would be sent to a village to live out the rest of her days after her sentence was up. Sanako on the other hand, got life in prison. The amount of damage they did was nothing compared to the label I got. Taboo Beauty, my depression and suicide attempt plus the gossip put me in a bad placement in life. I was not able to openly express how I felt from childhood to now. Even my first boyfriend experience was beyond horrible. My mom and dad focused on my sisters while I wasted away in a facility for a few years. How cold right?

When I was approaching my 28th birthday, my parents came and got me out. I had my hair cut and minor surgery done to convince the world I was preparing to start my career, that's why I had been gone so long. I also decided to say goodbye to happiness. Not in a negative sense mind you, but a reality in which I had control over. My grandmother before passing way told me this. "Sometimes in life, your last bloom as a person is actually your first blossom. We go through life dealing with obstacles we have no control over. We get pushed to our limits to the point we have a false bloom, that false bloom is what society wants not you. When you have reached the last straw, let it be suicide or giving up that's when you have a extraordinary blossom. You say goodbye to the happiness that others expected you to have. That amazing bloom happened to me at 50 years old. So don't falter if it doesn't happen when you are young."

Well its happening right now or so I thought. This is where my life really starts. I did promote my parent's companies, but I also went to a bigger company to actually work and not just be a pretty face. In three years time I finally got to a decent place in life. My social life while damaged, I still managed to have people want to befriend me. My love life, I decided no marriage and no kids. In this economy it wasn't ideal, yes I had money but between being considered a taboo beauty and the pressure I would have to be perfect 24/7 was too much.

And in that moment, I never looked back and only  kept my eyes forward. I became someone I never knew existed and for that I was happy for once.

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