The Last Bloom becomes the first Bloom

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Didn't quite think this shit would go down on my 41st birthday, possibly even my last birthday. Getting stabbed by my coworker on the a day I've been waiting on forever was not my idea of a celebration. I could give two shits about my birthday, I had been fighting tooth and nail plus the occasional fist to get this promotion. You see that guy over there? This is also his fault too, he started getting feelings for me and it all lead to this moment. No this isn't some kdrama or jdrama where a guy saves a woman or two people have a complicated past which forces them to attract to each other. Or a situation which pulls two people together with immense complications. That guy is 27 years old who fell for a a 41 year old like me over time. Yeah yeah the age difference is such an issue with women but a man dates a younger woman it's fine. Except in my culture it's still seen as bad, personally I would never date someone in my age group. Not say I date old men or young guys, in fact I don't know what love is. Last boyfriend I had was when I was 20 years old. It's time to recap on my life because I'm not sure if I lived at all. My complicated life was never great, now that I think about it....I will start off with my earliest memories and go from there. At the end of it, maybe I can rest in peace if I do die.

My name is Kasumi, I was born on April 5th 19** and my parents were in the top ten richest people in all of Japan. Sounds comfortable right? Hell no, I'm the first born and as seeing my mom popped out two more girls and no sons; I carried the burden of being a first born. As a child, I wasn't special. Not quite gifted and not quite super smart. My parents did send me to the best schools though. And that's when my friend issues began. I'm not a happy go lucky person and I'm also not a extrovert. My parents would only allow me to be around other rich kids, most of them were quite horrible. Well insufferable would be a better word.

Enter Yumi, Mie and Namie. They were my childhood friends(I do use that word loosely) up until I hit 17 years old. Namie never had a backbone, in fact Yumi and Mie were her bodyguards. When we went on field trips, Namie was a pro at telling outlandish lies which resulted in Mie and Yumi beating up whatever poor soul didn't get along with Namie. Our parents were all good friends but as seeing my parents were above the others they kept in line with me. Until that fated day. At 17, not only was I tall like my favorite sailor scout but I literally woke up one day and my chest had developed. I felt like a freak, but I kept in mind that Sailor Juipter wouldn't want me to beat up on myself. Namie and I were hanging out at the usual bakery we both grew to love, Namie was an odd character not gonna lie. She was fascinated with having western eyes and having a slim body like an American (as she would often say). It was to the point she would take a crazy amount of diet pills and then binge on sweets. Little did I know, Namie was actually in debt to a lot of people. Her father had left the picture a long time ago and her mother detested her. Her sister was taking care of her, it was then this crafty plan came into action.

"Kasumi, you owe me from last time remember?" said Namie staring at me trying to make her eyes big as possible. I should have left in that moment. Mie and Yumi came flying in, screeching at me. Going on and on about the countless non existent times Namie had been there for me. The workers quickly kicked them out and that was the start of everything. Namie began sprouting horrible lies about me saying I had abused her, treated her like shit and the most outrageous one of them all was the sexual assault. The thing is, I had a bodyguard or five near at all times. Like I stated before, my parents were pretty wealthy and having their oldest protected was a necessary. This little ordeal landed in court because the lies got so bad that Yumi really thought I had done the worse and said the worse (here's a hint murder). Which led to court happening and not only were the lies exposed, but each girl had to do community service and spend 200 days in a local jail. My parents demanded worse but I was so aloof that I paid no mind to the bullshit around. Like my aunt once said "Silence is better than unnecessary drama. A person could go years sprouting bullshit about you and by not saying anything, you distance yourself away from the bad juju which results in peace of mind." Safe to say I never saw them again or dealt with them. Not bad right? The worse is coming up.

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