Operation Omega

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             It was just a normal, ordinary day until something happened. My name is Bryan Hill. I'm an undercover cop at the NDPD (North Detroit Police Department). I have a wife named Annie Hill, and a child named Kevin Hill. I'm 6'2", have scruffy blond hair, green eyes, and I'm very skinny. I'm 43 years old. I'm American, while my wife is British. This is the story of how I lost my wife.      

              It all started on November 18th, 2038 in Detroit. I was sitting at home watching Kevin, who was 15 years old, play video games, when I got the call. On the other end was Captain Neal of the NDPD. He told me Robert Coates broke out of prison. Robert was a gang leader, who sold lots of drugs, until my partner, Kory Ross, and I busted him while undercover. Unfortunately, Kory died because Robert found out who he really was. I would've saved him if I could, but I couldn't blow my cover.

              Robert was coming after me, so I had to go into work and start getting ready. On my way out, the news came on. There had been an incident at the Precinct. Robert's first goal must've been to blow up the Precinct because all that was left was ash. I quickly called Annie and told her what was going on. Annie agreed to come home and watch Kevin, while I went out looking for Robert.

               As I walked through the city of futuristic Detroit, I tried remembering where Robert hung out. I remembered a club he always hung out at, where he kept his secret stash. The police never did anything with the stash, so they left it there. I thought Robert might be going there to get it. I was just right outside the club, when I got a call on my cell phone. It was the FBI, telling me they had moved their operation into the city until they had a working police force again. They told me if I had any leads to tell them. I hung up and walked on in.

              The club was abandoned ever since Robert's arrest. Dust was everywhere, tables were split in half, and pieces of broken chairs were strewn across the floor. I had to watch my step because there were remains of broken glass bottles everywhere. The thing that caught my eye was the door to the back sitting wide open. The smell of something strong stung my nose, making it feel like it was melting. I start to go through kitchen towards the back door, but then,with a "Whack," everything went dark.

               I woke up to a throbbing pain at the back of my head. The smell was stronger than ever. I was in a dimly lit room, about as big as a living room. In front of me was Robert. I was being held down to my knees by two guys who looked familiar. I then remembered their names were Rasmus, who was as dumb as a doornail, and Shawn, who was as strong as a twig. Robert was smiling at me as two more goons entered the room.

              These two goons were unfamiliar. They just stood and stared at Robert. Then Robert said, "Welcome back, old friend." He spoke with such grit, it made you feel like snakes were slithering up your back. "I have some special guest with us!" Robert yelled. The two goons then left. Two seconds later, they brought in my wife and son.

              "You hurt them and I swear to god your a dead man!" I yelled.

              "The only one who dies tonight will be your choosing," Robert said. The two goons then put Annie and Kevin in front of Robert. I told them I would get them out, and not to worry.

                Annie was bleeding from a gash on her arm and forehead. Kevin had bruises all over his face and his ear was bleeding. "Who will you save, Bryan?" asked Robert. "Your son or your wife?" He then pulled out a gun. "Five seconds," he said. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. I started thinking of a plan, when he pointed the gun at Kevin, about to pull the trigger. I punched Rasmus in the leg and jumped in front of Kevin. Robert then pointed the gun at Annie and then "BANG"! Annie was dead.

                 I was frozen. My love of my life was officially dead, and it was all my fault. I told Kevin to go outside and call the FBI to tell them to come here if things went wrong. I look at Robert who's smiling at the sight of my wife's death. I ran up and punched him straight across the face, knocking him straight down to the floor. He was out cold. I took Shawn's gun and killed Robert. I then pointed the gun to my head, ready to end it there. Then, the FBI came in.

                They yelled at me to drop the weapon, but I hesitated. They gave me three seconds to drop it or they would attack. I thought of my son, and how he still needed me. After I set the gun down, they put me in cuffs. "Mr. Hill, I'm gonna have to take you to a hospital," a female agent said. I was then driven to the hospital, but they put me in a psych ward. They ran some tests and then they deemed me clinically depressed.

                 I have appeared to have gotten the illness after Kory died, a year before taking in Robert.What made my depression dangerous, was the death of my wife. So, they sent me to Kingswood Hospital. Social Services took my son, Kevin. My son grew up without me.

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