20. The darker shade of yellow

Start from the beginning

Oh sorry.. Seven minutes from it, was already gone.

I looked at the wall clock to estimate the time, and then looked back at my lahenga. Not that I had planned a lot to enjoy this ceremony, but it wasn't the case either where I didn't make any plans at all! It was like- I was happy to be a part of this marriage, no matter whatever nonsense I had said earlier! But remembering the fact that I was a curse for everyone.. and that too a terrible one, I just couldn't step out of my room to ruin everybody's happiness once again!!

Neverthless, Dev had asked me to do the same last night. So if MY absense really granted him peace for that matter... then why not?

Atleast this much I could always do for him right?!!

About last night-

-"You are so hopeless!" Dev broke into a candid laughter as he filled my mouth with yet another morsel and continued enjoying my speechless situation...... up until Adit came from the back and informed-

"Nirvana has gained back her senses!!"

Appearing nothing less than a severe shock, it took me some time to absorb this information. But once it was done, I batted my eyelids quick, gulped down the half chewed food and asked Adit back- "Are you serious? My Coco has waken up??"

Adit smiled meekly. Holding my shoulders with his broad palms, he then looked into my eyes and blinked for once, saying- "She is still so weak. Go, meet her."

In the very next second I was running down across the first floor corridor, past everyone who looked at me with weird gazes and to whom I didn't give a damn.. counting each moment that passed inbetween and the moments that were left to see my baby... praying and hoping crazily and being hell impatient at the same time.

Dev had been there with me all the way though. He kept following me like a shadow while shouting his lungs out- "Slow down Tara. You'll fall and hurt yourself."

But who was even listening to him! Yes, I knew that he was doing this for 'my' safety, but being the helpless mother I was, I stopped only when I was inside the sick bay.... just beside the bed upon which my baby was lying like a tired, victorious warrior.

"Coco?" With lips trembling terribly, I called out her name somehow.

"Mommy" She turned her neck slightly and looked up at me. Her new grown dark circles were in full display, making my heart clench at its sight already. And on top of that, she spread her hands in the air, gesturing me to come and wrap her to my chest and perhaps never leave her alone again!

"Yes baby, mommy is here." I replied as I followed her orders. Life came back rushing to my body after that.

Few minutes of silence happend inbetween. It was later leasurely broken with Coco's adorable chirps- "Where were you been, mommy? I was misshing you so much!!"

A tiny smile crept to my lips. I stretched that smile a little longer as I nudged my nose through Coco's hairs and breathed in her scent. "Mommy missed you too, Bunny!.... Only that she was a little scared to see your dangerous stunts.. You know right what a chicken your mommy is?!!" I said to her. She just giggled in response.

Really, life seemed so much lively only becoz SHE was a part of it! The greatest of all parts!!

"Mommy.. what is shtunts?" She chirped again to break my little thought bubble.

"Stunts means..." Was it really necessary to pack her brain with such grown up stuffs? I guess not. Perhaps changing the topic was a better option instead. And so I went like- "Forget it. You say, why didn't you go to daddy when I asked you so?"

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