56- Breaking the Ritual

Start from the beginning

Buffy ran around the other side and the gang and I followed, she started grabbing people who were lining up to get inside but they were under some kind of spell, they wouldn't listen to Buffy. They were completely emotionless.

'Willow we need a spell to break them out of this' Buffy announced

'This is like mind control stuff Buffy, neither Tara or I are advanced enough to do that, Giles?' Willow replied

'Ah, no, yes, ah I might have some books on it back at my place' Giles stuttered

'Well go!' Buffy told him

'We don't have time to wait around' I told Buffy

'I'm going in' she replied

'Like hell you are love, what are you going to do?'

'What I normally do, distract them' she charged forward to the door, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back 'and what are Xander and I supposed to do, wait outside?'

'Xander can wait outside'

'Hey I'm right here' Xander retorted

'I don't want you getting hurt' Buffy replied 'think of Anya'

'Fine, you go in and distract him and Xander and I will carry these unbitten people out, okay?' I asked

'Fine' she agreed reluctantly

Buffy headed to the door pushing past the Zombie like people waiting to be bitten and turned, they were unfazed by her movements.

Xander and I started to grab people, the only problem was wherever we placed them, and they just walked back to the line.

'We need to barricade them somewhere' Xander explained

We quickly started moving anything we could find to create a barricade to trap them all in, unfortunately the people started to try and climb over whatever we put in front of them. Just in time Willow, Tara and Giles returned with a few books in their hands, already flipping through the pages looking for a spell to return them to normal.

'Can one of you look up a spell to create a barricade?' I asked 'and quick'

'Oh I know one' Giles said quickly flipping through some pages until finding the one he needed, he performed it by himself and it created a red circle not far from the Bronze. Xander and I quickly started hurrying the people over to the circle.

'Just be careful' Giles called out 'don't enter the circle yourself'

'You got this?' I asked Xander 'I need to go help Buffy'

'Yeah, go' he replied

I quickly ran to the door and saw Buffy creeping around the back, Angelus hadn't even noticed our presence yet, typical of him. I caught up to her giving her a signal so she new I was behind her. She waved me over so we could talk, 'I should go in first and you can attack him from behind' she whispered

'Won't he expect that? We do come as a pair' I whispered back

'Should be...' Buffy was cut off with a loud bang that had appeared from the front door of the Bronze, in waltz Drusilla holding a girl up by the throat.

'I bought you a present my lovely Angelus' she purred 'this is what you wanted is it not?' she threw the poor girl down and Buffy and I realised it was Jessica. Our plan had double backfired, we were meant to be the ones who would capture Drusilla, and Jessica was the one meant to be doing the torturing not getting tortured.

I grabbed Buffy's arm tightly, 'what are we going to do now?' I whispered

Buffy looked like she was panicking, 'they might kill her' she whispered back, 'alright do you want Drusilla or Angelus?'

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