Chapter 13 Happiness and Sorrow

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Urghhh how could he?! My own best friend?! We were all having a very good time until my 'best friend' Zane had to ruin it. He knew that I never forgave Sarah and that I hated her! No matter how she apologise Im never ever forgiving her. Over my dead body! How could she talk to Hailey like that?! She wasnt my girlfriend or my mother! Hailey was right when we were going out all she ever did was whine for me to have sex with her! When I say no she would get p*** off! I was really proud of Hailey for defending herself in front of Sarah. My baby girl was feisty! Thats hot! When she slapped Sarah it felt incredible not to be mean though. Well it had to be a really hard slap to make her fall to ground. Who knew that someone like Hailey could do that?!

As Sarah  stomps away, I pulled Hailey into a tight hug. "Are you okay baby?" I asked full of concern. She nodded her head. Rosie, Lucas and Megan stood there in shock! We all didnt felt like watching a movie so we all went home. On the way home, It was totally silent. No one said a single  word. Finally we made it back home. We sat on the sofa waiting for some one to start talking. "Could me and Luke talk alone please?" Hailey asked. "Will be in the music room if you need us." Lucas said heading for the door. Once we were alone it went silent again. "What happend between you and Sarah?" She asked. I knew she was serious by the sound of her voice. I sighed. I made my way to her and sat her to my lap. "She cheated on me." I heard a gasp.

"It was on our anniversary day. She said she coudnt make it cause she was to sick. So I decided to surprise her. When I opened her bedroom door I saw her making out with some random guy. She kept on apologising but it wasnt enough. I though she was the one. The one I would marry, have a family with and die with happy memorise, but I was wrong. I tried to stay away from her  as I could. My parents hated her so they decided for me to move to a new school. I never heard from her anymore." I said my voice breaking apart. "Im so sorry Luke." Hailey apologised. I gave her a hug and kissed her.

"You know what would make me feel better?" I asked a smile forming on my lips. "What?" she asked. "I want you to play me a song on the piano." I said grinning. "Fine." She took my hand and went to the music room. Rosie, Lucas and Megan were sitting on the sofa talking. "Are you guys done talking?" Lucas asked. "Yhup" I said popping the 'p' sound. "Now Hailey is singing us a song." Rosie and Megan squeled with exitment. Megan stood up and made her way to Hailey and me. "Look Hailey I know you and me had a rough start and Im sorry. Do you think we can start over?" Megan asked softly. I grinned. "Id love that!" Hailey smiled. They both hugged eachother and Hailey made her way to the piano and I sat down next to her. Sha asked me what song  I wanted her to play and I pretended to think  for a while. "I want you to play me Far Away by Nickleback. I grinned exitedly. She smiled and started playing.

"This time, this place Misused, mistakes. Too long, too late Who was I to make you wait?

Just one chance, just one breath Just in case theres just one left? Cause you know you know, you know. That I love you, I have loved you all along  And I miss you, been far away for far too long I keep dreaming youll be with me and youll never go.  Stop breathing if I dont see you anymore." Hailey sang. Why is she so beautiful? Why does she have an angels voice? How could she play so calmly and relaxed? Why is she so perfect?

I would consider myself the luckiest guy on earth! I have the greatest friends and I have the most beautiful girlfriend. I coudnt ask for a better life ........

Thank you all for reading :) xx

Sorry for not updating faster my laptop was whacked up :D xx

Song Of Today is: Far Away by Nickleback its my favourite song :D xx

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