Chapter 4 I Love You

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Luke seriously out of anyone it had to be Luke! I started making my way to him when, Blondie gave me a dirty glare! I dont know what her problem is but I swear I woud have slap her face right now! "Hey." As I waved to Luke, giving him my fake smile. "Cant believe were dance partners!" He grinned happily. "Yeah Yayyy!" Over my dead body I would be exited. Mrs Dylan told us our position me and Luke was in the middle with the others outside us, forming a circle with us in the middle. Irk. Why!!???

As the slow music started Luke grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his him. I put my hand in his shoulder and enterwined our fingers together. We slowly stepped forward and backwards. As I stared into his blue eyes everything started to pause. It was like we were the only people there. We got closer and I shut my eyes and kissed him.Omg! I just kissed Luke.

 "Get away from him bitch!" Blonedie growled, causing me to stop the kiss. Everyone was looking at us with shocked expression and a deadly glare from Blonedie. Omg! I just kissed Lucas! "You bitch!" Blonedie screeched. She was about to slap me when Luke got her hand and gave her a deadly girl. "Dont you ever touch her!" He spat. Blonedie was horrified! She ran outside criying with her miniones behind her. "Are you okay?" Luke asked. "Yh." I replied.

Since what happend yesterday was the only thing people were talking about. Every single time they saw us two together they would think that we were going out or planning a date night. WTH?!! Me and Luke hasnt been talking to eachother after what had happend. I coudnt face him. But I would have to sooner because we have dance today. Ohhh no.. I feel like criying. I cant face him after what had happend.

It was the end of Astronomy and now its......Dance....! As I enterd the room all eyes were on me especially Blonedie her eyes were red and puffy. Guess someone has been criying every now and then. I saw Luke sitting in one of the seat looking at me. I quickly sat on the floor waiting for Mrs Dylan to arrive. A minute later Mrs Dylan entered. "Positions". Mrs Dylan annouced. We got into our positions. Luke put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer. We enterwined our fingers and I put my other hand on his shoulder and we moved slowly, keeping to the music.

"Im sorry that I kissed you." Luke apologized. "Why are you apologizing?" I asked. "Do you regret it?" I asked. Luke looked into my eyes and said "Never." He smiled. I smiled but confused at the same time. "I love you Hailey." Luke said. Wait what did he just say? DId he just say he loved me. "Im Im in love with you Hailey Jones since the 1st time I met you." he grinned. "I love you."

Thanks for reading the song that they are going to dance to is So Close by John McLaughlin xx :)

Song Of The Day is Its You by Albert Posis xxx

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