"Speaking of old times, do you have a family Krillin?" Trunks asked.

"Actually yea I have a wife and a child of my own!" Krillin's face lit up when he mentioned his family. "I'm not the fighter I used to be but there's nothing I love more than my family."

"Oh what's your wife like?" Trunks inquired.

"Oh- uhm- well she's uhm," Krillin stuttered.

"What do I know her or something?" Trunks asked puzzled.

"Uhm yea kind of," Krillin started to say but before he could finish 18 showed up.

"Krillin, I came looking for you since you didn't come home." She said walking over to her husband.

"Android 18?!" Trunks said shocked. He started to grab for his sword. He couldn't believe his old enemy was here.

"Wait Trunks! She's my wife! We are married and we have a kid." Krillin said as Mae reached to calm Trunks.

"What?!" Trunks put his sword back in disbelief.

"So I heard you killed me in your timeline." 18 glared and walked toward the saiyan. "I'm going to have to punish you now." Trunks glared back he knew that she couldn't have possibly changed. Then she lightly punched him in the chest. "Just kidding." She winked and walked back to her husband.

"That wasn't funny, 18!" Mae said although a smile started to creep across her face.

Winking at Mae, 18 turned around and said, "I'll see you around, kid." She walked back to where her family was waiting. "Shall we go home?" She laughed and waved goodbye to the saiyans.

"Well with that I think I'm going to turn in," Trunks blushed and went back inside. Mae followed him giggling and went to her room to sleep.

Mae woke up to a loud crash from outside, whatever it was, it shook the whole building. Mae jumped up and bolted outside, she was still wearing her sleep tank top and shorts. She was prepared to fight whatever just appeared, however when she arrived she saw Goku and Lord Beerus climbing out of a giant crater. Whis seemed to be lecturing them as everyone else came to see what happened. Mae shook her head and returned inside and got herself dressed.

"You fought this Zamasu guy?!" Trunks said as she walked out.

"What's goin on?" She asked taking a seat next to Vegeta. She grabbed a plate of food and started eating.

"Well we went to the tenth universe and we met this Zamasu. He kinda felt like Black in a way but I'm not sure if they are they same." Goku said in between bites.

"Black had a large amount of malicious energy about him but Zamasu didn't have that same feel. However I don't think he was deceiving us because he didn't seem to know anything about Goku when Black seemed to know a great deal about the saiyan." Whis explained.

"Also they had all of their time rings. It seems like there is still a great deal of mystery here." Beerus said as he shoved a roll into his mouth.

When Beerus and Whis finished their meals they departed back for their world. Vegeta stood up and walked over to Trunks. "Let's go. It's time I trained you again. Mae you too, I think you could learn something from this match."

"Yes father!" Trunks said eagerly.

Mae nodded and followed the two into the forest. She leaned up against a tree and proceeded to watch the fight. Trunks went right into super saiyan two and said, "come at me with all you have father! Go to super saiyan three like Goku did!"

Vegeta laughed at his son, "I've reached a whole new level!" He went to super saiyan blue. "I'll tell you what if you can hit me one time then you win."

Trunks could feel amazing power coming off his father even though he couldn't sense his energy. "I've gotten stronger too Father!" He powered up making himself more bulky with power, although he was trading speed for power.

"You are still using that lumbering form?!" Vegeta scoffed at his son as he launched an attack. Trunks went back down and dodged with ease clearly catching Vegeta off guard. Vegeta countered with a kick that sent Trunks flying into the trees.

As Mae was about to follow the fight Goku and Bulma showed up next to her. "Goku why did you bring me here?! I have a lot of work to do!" Bulma demanded.

"Your son and husband are training and I though you would wanna see." Goku smiled down at her and waved to Mae.

The three of them followed to where Vegeta and Trunks were. Trunks was on the ground that last hit had taken a lot out of him. He turned and smiled at his father. "With this power you and Goku can beat Black."

Vegeta frowned in anger. He grabbed Trunks' collar and lifted him up. "Wipe that damn smile off your face you idiot. You are a saiyan dammit! You don't give up no matter what!"

"Vegeta stop! Don't you think you are being harsh!" Bulma said as she ran to try and stop Vegeta but Mae put her hand out blocking her path as Goku rested a hand on her shoulder.

"No this is good. He's a saiyan and this will only help him." Goku explained.

"My blood is running through your veins and I'll be damned if you are just going to lie down and get your ass kicked. Is Black really the only thing you can think of?! You have to be ready for the next threat and the one after that! Where is your saiyan pride!" When he was done yelling at his son he dropped him and went back to his base form.

Trunks got up and smashed his head into Vegeta's. "I got you! That means I win right?" Trunks smiled at his father. "You're right father. I will get stronger and I'll keep going until I'm stronger than you."

Vegeta looked up at his son in surprise, there was also still anger in his eyes but also pride. Vegeta pulled himself up and dusted himself off. Without a word he turned on his heel and walked away.

"You are just going to walk away from your son?!" Bulma called after him.

"Mom it's okay. He really taught me a lot." Trunks said to his mother as he watched his father leave.

"Seriously you saiyans don't make any sense." She said exasperated.

Even though Mae didn't fight she knew that she needed to remember her saiyan pride as well. That was why Vegeta had her join them. 'I will never forget my pride' she thought as they headed back inside.

As they walked inside, a strange noise was coming from Bulma's pocket. "Oh hey Whis what's up?"

"Is Mae and Goku there? I need them both to come here immediately!" Whis said urgently.

"Yea they are I'll let them know." Bulma said as she hung up. She relayed the message and Goku used his instant transmission to take them to Lord Beerus' world.

Beerus was sitting on a stump when they arrived. He looked like he was troubled by something. "Hey Lord Beerus! Whis said you wanted to see us?" Goku said as he greeted the god.

"This must be urgent if you are calling us here now." Mae added.

"The Omni king has summoned you two to his palace." Beerus said nervously.

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