What did I do wrong? (TH) pt. 2

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I was walking home with Lisa when it felt like someone was watching me. You know that feeling of someone's just starring at you, well that's what I felt. So I looked around to see no one but Lisa and I walking here.

"Is something wrong?" Lisa asks.

"Oh nothing. I just got a weird feeling." I say and brush the feeling away.

When we finally get to my apartment I wave by to Lisa and enter. I walk to my room and throw myself on my bed.

*tap* *tap* *tap*

I look up from my bed and see nothing that can cause that tapping noise. I stand up from my bed and head towards the bathroom. The faucets aren't dripping. I then felt like someone was behind me. I am almost positive that I could feel breathing on the back of my neck and hear there breathing as well.

I couldn't move. I froze out of fear. I build up some courage to move my hand behind me. Nothing. I quickly turn around and see no one there. Am I going crazy?

Being paranoid I lock all doors and windows. I then stay in my room with the door shut and locked. I cant call the police since no ones in the apartment but me. Or is there?

I start to check all of the rooms, closets, etc. After I finish I stand in the living room trying to think of some place I haven't check yet.

"Did I check on the balcony yet? I mean its a glass door I can just look right through to see if anyone's there." I say and walk to the balcony door.

"See no one. I'm just being paranoid." I talk to myself again.

Then I go to the kitchen just incase to grab a knife.

"Where are they" all my knifes are missing.


Then I feel breathing on the back of my neck again. I turn around to see...


"Taehyung? What are you doing here?" I ask to the strange boy in my apartment. He says nothing back. Instead he lunges. He wraps his hands around my neck as I try to break free.

"First you don't delete the video then you show the whole school? Now you must pay." he says and slams my head into the wall multiple times. Then after a while of me trying to break free, I black out.

I wake up in a cold, dark room. I'm strapped to a table with a light right above me. I start to shake my head and see Rose past out chained to the wall.

"Rose, Rose." I whisper. She starts to shake her head awake. She looks around and starts to freak out.

"What's going on? Why am I here?" she yells and I shh her.

"Rose quiet or he might hear you and come down here. And heaven knows what he's going to do." I say and she nods her head.

"Now take a deep breath and calm down, Okay?" I ask and she nods again.

"Look around to try to find something to get us out of here with." I say and she starts to look around. I start to look around too. Next to me on a little stand is a bunch of tools. I start to look for a sharp tool to cut the leather keeping me to he table. Then I spot it. I reach my hand out as far as I can to try to get it.

"Rose, can you try to kick the stand closer to me?" I say and she tries her best. moves as close as she can and reaches her foot out. Just barley she hits the stand moving towards me. I reach for the tool and then the door opens. I hide the tool in my hand as he walks towards me.

"Well look whos awake now. Since now your both up we can begin." he says and I shake my head.

"Lets start with the chest shall we?" he says as he puts on his gloves.

"Please I'll delete the video, please just let us go." I say wit teary eyes.

"But I cant you see, you already showed the whole school." he says and starts to look at the tools.

"Cant you just let Rose go? She didn't do anything! She was drunk when it happened!" I say.

"Well she would go and get help now wouldn't she?" he says.

"Besides I wouldn't leave you if I had a chance." Rose says.

"Shut up both of you!" he says and continues to look at all the tools.

"Where did I put that..." he mumbles to himself and looks on the ground.

"I'll be right back, don't move." he says and rushed back upstairs.

I make sure that he gone before using the tool to cut through the leather. I keep sawing at it until I break free. Then start to saw the other arm free. Then my legs. Until I am completely free.

I was about to look for the key to Roses chain till he came back so I hid behind one of the wooden pillars hoping he wouldn't see me.

"Where did she go?" he asks Rose.

"I don't know." she says.

"Well your going to tell me or ill kill you very, very slowly." he says in her face.

"I don't know." she says again.

"Well we will have to do this the hard way." he says and grips her neck. He squeezes her neck so hard that you can see the veins in his hand. I walk out from behind the pillar and stand behind him with the large tool I used to free myself. I then start to stab him in the back of the neck. Blood started to squirt out of the back of his neck and run down his back.

When his body finally falls limp I check to see if Rose is okay.

"Are you okay?" I say sitting in front of her.

"Yeah- I'm fine." she says and then I start to search for the key in his jacket.

"Found it!" I say and unlock her chains. When she's free we both run to the nearest phone and call for police. They arrive not long after and we get cleaned up. Paramedics take his dead body and we get recommended counselors near by. And we both went back home and tried our best to go to sleep.

Happy Halloween~~

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