26. Saved by the Attic

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Claire watched as the group of seemingly dead people flocked into their backyard, destroying their fence and their wooden gate. She gave a startled gasp when their mailbox fell to the ground with a resounding crash.

"What's with those people? Are they crazy? It's not Halloween. Why are they acting weird? They're like-like the living dead or something!" Fear started to build up inside Claire. She can't quite figure it out but she felt uneasy and scared. She was thinking whether to go tell her parents when she heard their froont door crash to the floor.

She ran towards the stairs leading down to the second floor where her pink bedroom is at as well as her parents' room which was located at the stairs leading to the first floor. She saw her mom went out of their bedroom, putting on a robe and was about to go down to the first floor.

"Claire! Is that you? What was that crash? Wha-oh my God! Claiiireee! Dannyyyy!"
Her mom was face-to-face with one of the people who invaded their backyard a moment ago. Claire covered her mouth with her hand to stiffle a cry when two of those people bit her mom on her neck and arm, pulling at her tissues and veins and blood splattering everywhere! She ran back to her room in the attic, deciding against going to her parents' bedroom to call on her Dad when she saw four, maybe five of those things stumbling towards her parents' bedroom. The last thing Claire heard before she shut herself inside the attic was her father's voice screaming her mother's name!

She did not know how long she lay huddled in the farthest corner of the attic, her dresser pushed back towards the door leading outside. She heard movements outside, made by those things going around their house. Along with the shuffling sounds of heavy feet were slurping sounds, first accompanied by the screams of her parents then just the slurping and chewing sounds. When silence enveloped the house, Claire decided to take a peek outside her door and that's when she saw her parents, lying on the floor. The horde already left their house and she silently tiptoes towards her unmoving parents. Her mom's neck and arms were torn and flesh and bones showing while her dad's fingers were chewed out and one of his cheeks was gone. Claire didn't know what to do. She just stood looking down on her parents when her mom suddenly twitched and jerked. She was terrified when her mom opened both her eyes and proceded to a sitting position.

"No way she could be alive!" And when she looked into her mother's eyes which turned red altogether, that's when she knew she was one of those things. She ran as fast as she can back inside her attic room and closed back the door, pushed the dresser back securely towards the door.

"What is happening?" Claire shivered in fear as she felt the last bit of air being sucked out of her lungs because of crying until she fell into a deep, dark unconsciousness.

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