23. Broken Glass

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Gareth drove with such speed that although the seatbelt on the passenger seat was tightly secured, David still clung to the handle at the side of the passenger seat door for dear life! He felt they were flying with Gareth's way over the legal limit speed!

Gareth put the vehicle to an abrupt halt some comfortable distance where the pick up was parked. They could see his pick up, surrounded by the undead, rocking back and forth to the pushing of the creatures surrounding it, wanting a bite of the delectable treats inside that are Missy and Jamie. He averted his guilty gaze for he could not bear it if those two girls got bitten and turned into the mindless monsters that they so fear and loath. He heard Gareth gasp beside him.

"David...oh Jesus! Don't look David, please don't."

That statement itself piqued his curiosity, and as expected, he did what he was told not to do. He looked.

There, still wearing her baby blue housedress, hair curled into big waves by plastic rollers, stood his wife of twenty five years, pushing among the crowd of undead, mouth full of blood and drool, with a big red gash at the side of her neck. He couldn't restrain his grief, agony and misery upon seeing the only woman he had ever loved, the light in the darkness of his tunnel called life, always smiling and ready to give encouraging words whenever he is down, the woman who taught him the meaning of unconditional love, reduced to that mindless monstrosity hungry for human flesh! He got out of the Jeep and was about to run towards the horde if not for Gareth's alertness, grabbing his torso and pulling him back towards the vehicle.

"Let go of me! Marthaa! I must get her away from those monsters! Oh good Lord! Martha!"

"David! Look at me! Hey! I said look at me! Martha is gone! Your wife is gone! That creature over there IS NOT Martha! That is NOT your wife! Our focus is Missy and Jamie! They are people! We need to get them from that pick up. Away from the undead! Do you hear me?"

When David looked at Gareth with blank, lifeless eyes, he shook the older man's shoulders and repeated "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

David blinked, tears finally falling from his defeated eyes.

"Yeah, got yah."

Gareth nodded. He handed David his Arabian knife.

"Aim for the head. Damage the brain. Do not get yourself bitten ok? We kill as many as we need to, including Martha alright?"

David nodded and the two men positioned themselves as Gareth made a hand gesture above his head, hoping Jamie and Missy are looking their way for in the darkness of the night, with just the yellowish gleam of the lamp post illuminating the dark, moonless night, he could not see inside g the pick up.


Meanwhile, Missy grabbed first the roll-up window opener/closer at her back and rolled up the window with all her might.

"Why is David's windows NOT automatic? Geez! What a gee---"

"Missy! Your front windows!"

Missy turned back and saw one of the familiar male undead darting towards her side of the window faster than the rest. She quickly left the back window half an inch open to let some air through and hurriedly rolled up the one beside her. She was only halfway done with the window when the fast undead pushed its head inside the vehicle, mouth wide open and ready to bite. Missy screamed a blood-curdling scream, afraid that it will be the end of her!

Jamie, seeing the dilemma, picked up the screw driver she found under the driver seat and with all the strength left in her, pushed it towards the undead's forehead, not stopping until it reached the other side of its head.

The undead fell backwards, falling on the rest of the group thus preventing, for a brief moment, the onslaught of the rest of the horde towards Missy's side of the half-closed window. She and Jamie took this moment to fully close the window at fhe horde that was trying to make them their midnight snack.

"Ohhh! I don't want to die! Not like this!" Missy wailed.

"Hey! Listen! Nobody is going to die okay?"

Missy looked at Jamie with tearful eyes, nodding her head without much conviction. She turned in her seat and that's when she saw the other vehicle a few meters away from where she and Jamie were at.

"Jamie! Jamie look! It's Gareth! He's waving, I think at us!"

Jamie looked towards where Missy was pointing. True enough there was Gareth waving both arms over his head, with a poised David beside him.

"They're getting us! Quick, check in the glove compartment for any long sharp thing you may use as weapon. We got to be ready in case they come this way. We go out through my side of the car understand. The horde are converging at your side of the car. On three ok? Wait for my count alright?" Jamie said bravely.

Missy just nodded again and searched in fhe glove compartment. She found a cutter. Well, better than nothing, she thought. She showed it to Jamie who nodded her approval. "That will have to do."

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