8. What Missy Saw 3

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Missy was nervous. She saw the two security men who were with Natalie in the testing chamber torturing Dr. Monroe exit the Chairman and CEO's building. Natalie went back to her plush condo and took the remainder of the day off. Missy found out from Jamie, Natalie's secretary. She also borrowed Jamie's universal access card.

She was carrying a ham and egg sandwich and 500ml of distilled water on a tray with a wad of table napkins. Dr. Monroe must really be hungry by now. If Missy's calculations were correct, it would be almost two days that she's gone without food and water. Nobody even went to bring sustenance to Dr. Monroe, who, Missy thought, inspite of her sins of the flesh is always kind and pleasant to everybody.

Missy reached the heavy metal door of the testing chamber and swiped Jamie's universal proximity ID. The heavy door opened smoothly and darkness welcomed Missy, who knew that the light switch is located in the middle of the room. A small incandescent bulb with a rope to be pulled to switch it on.


Missy jumped with surprise, almost losing hold of the food and water she brought Dr. Monroe.

"Hello! Dr. Monroe? Are you in here? It's Missy the receptionist. I brought you some sandwich and water!"

No answer.

Missy was walking towards the middle part of the room where the light switch is.

"Hello? Is that you Dr. Monroe?"

Again, no intelligible response, just low, monosyllabic growling and grunts.

Missy became nervous. Who was making those animal-like sounds? Where is that rope?

She felt a rope brushed her face ang she pulled at it and the chamber was flooded with day light.


In her surprise, Missy turned her head to where the growling came from. She gasped and the tray of food and water fell to the floor with a loud clanging sound.

There, as she last saw Dr. Monroe, arms in a letter V tied above her head, legs apart also tied sideways, with the two now dead herrings buried inside her most delicate part, stark naked, dried blood on her face, arms, wrists, abdomen, breasts, her one nipple gone as if bitten off, her neck seemingly broken, ribs protruding probably from hunger, her skin pale and rough with the bone of one arm broken and showing through the broken and torn skin. Dr. Monroe made another guttural sound from her mouth emitting very bad odor through missing teeth.


Missy, a non practicing Catholic, brought her right hand to her shocked face and made the sign of the Cross.

"Oh my God! Oh Jesus Christ in heaven! Dr. Monroe! How could you even be alive!"

And Missy pressed with all her might a red button on the panel next to where Dr. Monroes was tied up, with the restraints now almost broken due to her almost successful non-stop attempts to break free.
The button had three words under it...


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